
Ivan, Petco Conference

Ok, well, we saw Dr. Pieper yesterday, Ivan and myself that is. Ivan's head is tilting the other way. What is happening apparently is that the brain stem ends around the ears and the abscess has gone from one side and kind of flopped over the brain stem to the other side. Ivan is still on his chloramphenicol (haven't missed a dose yet!), and now on ear drops that are irritating to him, boy is he trying to shake them out! He also had another mild shot of steroids. He hasn't completely flipped, and isn't out of the clear, like I said in my previous blogs. We can only see what is really going on with an MRI, and we just can't afford it right now (I think it runs 500-1200, can't remember, but it's very expensive) so we will just keep doing what we can right now, and it has definitely shown progress. He is hopping around my house like a crazy man still. We live in a center-staired cape so he keeps running in circles around the main staircase... Living room, computer room, hall and than all over again. He's making up for loss time I guess.

Linda and I had a conference call with Petco today re: Rabbits coming into the New England locations. We are very upset about the sale of rabbits in these stores, and they are looking at it as keeping up with local markets. We also spoke with a woman, I'm not putting names. I had a bunch of rabbit questions I asked that weren't answered to our satisfaction and we are looking forward to speaking to their District Animal Care Trainer to see what information he has to offer up on rabbit care. The DM is working on it (we understand it all goes back to Corporate), trying to get us answers and trying to see what he can do to keep everyone happy. I don't envy his job, especially having to deal with people like me that will never, ever understand the sale of animals in stores when there are thousands looking for homes. He let us know that they are working on other ideas, but we are not at liberty to say what those are at the moment as we gave our word. I guess we'll just sit back and see how things unfold for now. It's very upsetting, very heart wrenching to me, but we will stand by both our word, and by our goals to helping these animals find homes.

Please don't forget that we have 2 dates at Petco coming up for adoptions and donations. We will be at the Norwalk location on the 10th and the 24th from 10-4pm. Come and bring your family to see the Easter Bunny and have your picture taken!

Good night, and say a prayer for Ivan!

1 comment:

small pet rescue said...

I wish Ivan all the best! We also have a head tilted bunny, his name is Fagen. EC was ruled out and ear (inner ear) infections, after treatment, X-rays and MRI. Our vet believes his problem is more central nervous system related. Fagen is still functional and can do everything a normal bunny can do, just like Ivan. You can see his picture, and read about him and our rescuing on our blog.