
Alises Necropsy, Ivan, Linus, Lucy

Alises Necropsy results came back stating that she had a fur-ball. Not a fur blockage- but a fur-ball. This very small fur ball blocked something leaving her stomach causing some kind of mucous/fluid back up that caused her to die from toxicity. There was nothing we could have done.

Ivan's head is now straight, he's running through the house like a mad-man, and now we have to close either him or Parsley up while the other is out. He likes to instigate meetings, and she bit his nose yesterday, so that is that. He's doing great, and seems really happy. Rosie, Cinni and Rags look quite happy as well.

Linus and Lucy were both adopted out this week, amazing for them! Holly left to her new home too! Funny, feels like we are emptying cages but we aren't, just filling them up with these maturing babies that need separating!

Good Night


Buttercup, Linus, Holly, Simon Peter

A Message from Linda, President of the Hollow:

I am pleased to announce the bonding of our alumni Buttercup and Linus!!!!! Linus has left with his new love for his forever home with Margie, Corry, Buttercup and the cats! He went quite happily and pretty obviously in love................

I am also delighted to announce that Holly aka Ewok has left on her journey to Mass. with my second daughter Jennifer and her S/O Kevin.I am not happy to announce that Simon Peter who was being picked up today by his new family is still here. He decided in a very Simon like manner to come down with a bad case of stasis this morning. He will be seeing the vet in the morning and will be leaving for his new home next weekend health permitting. His new famiy is very disapointed but understands that he needs some intensive care for now.

Linda at the Hop A Long Hollow


Alise Dies, Meadow, Cadbury, Rabbit Suit

Hello, been a couple of days so I guess now I’ll update. Alise died yesterday morning. She wasn’t looking right the night before, we had an apt. for her to see the vet yesterday morning, and she had passed away. She is at Dr. Pieper’s office awaiting a Necropsy. She is survived by her four beautiful babies that have all recently just found homes. We will miss her gentle heart and her beauty.

Meadow and Cadbury were both altered today and made it through fine. Rain is doing well in her new indoor home.
Apparently the woman who had all the bunnies told animal control that she “got RID of them” because she was getting too many complaints. Funny, after talking to her, I really was fooled into thinking she cared a bit more than she obviously did. I swear Stormy looks so much like Rain, he could be from the same family. He was found in Stratford too, and the woman let them breed and sold them for cheap to “Good Homes.” Whatever.

Linda and I went to a nursery school this morning, me in full bunny gear, and took 3 of Tinkerbell’s babies with us, Nixon, Lefty & Smudge. They got lots of pets and the kids were GREAT! I really enjoyed it, except I need to wear a little less under the suit next time, I kept putting my nose to the eye-holes to breath! We were talking about getting a fan for the inside, but anyone who knows me knows how clumsy I am, and I’m sure that a fan would only lead to a big bald spot on my head!

Parsley is great, Ivan is wonderful, and Hermione is being a huge beautiful BRATT! She jumped up on the couch in the room she has been living in for over a month, decided she wanted to poop on my blanket and maybe just taste it a bit. I have since removed the blanket and put a baby-gate across the couch. It has deterred her for a few days now, but I think she is mad at me for it! Life is so interesting!

Hope all is well with everyone, Good-night.
Brandee :o)


Rain, Rosie, Pekachu, Parsley

I can't get my e-mail to open tonight. I double click on the messages and they no-open-4-me! I'm frustrated. I don't know if I wrote about the loose bunny down the road from me that everyone at the Deli keeps telling me about. It was living in someone's yard 2 doors down from the skating rink here in Lordship. I figured it was dead due to the cold and the ice and snow. I took a chance today, and I caught her. She is a mini-Stormy, a beautiful gray girl, I named her rain, as it is raining today. YUCK! Hopefully it melts the ice and doesn't become more. I talk to so many people every day and I don't know if I blogged it or not, but I had spoken to a woman on 2nd street (or ave. whatever) over the summer due to people telling me when I found Willow she was probably a let-go from this woman. Christine had talked to her and called me and said she was letting her rabbits breed. The woman was upset when she called me (and Christine too, sorry Christine!) and said I was rude to her mom, which I WAS NOT, and that her mom was mean (imagine saying that about your own mom!) and that she probably took what I said the wrong way. She said she loves her bunnies and would never let harm come to them and offered to foster for us (yeah, OK). I had animal control go over to check things out because she actually lives right behind the house where this bunny has been. I am anxious to talk to Christine to find out what the woman's bunnies look like if she saw them. Anyhow, animal control got back to me and said that they logged the water bottles were half frozen, which is understandable in this weather, but it makes me wonder where this little gal came from. She looks in good condition, her vulva looks swollen, but I feel no babies kicking inside. I hope she hasn't given birth, but I can't see how they would have survived, she has practically been living under a car and there are no bushes or anything in either yard she has been in. She is very afraid, and I am a bit upset. Oh well, what more can I do? Everyone else is doing fine. Ivan's head is honestly so close to being straight and he has made such leaps and bounds. Margie who adopted our Buttercup was hinting at Bubblegum who was adopted a while ago. I hope that she may consider Hermione. Not only is Hermione one of the most beautiful rabbits (some kind of Seal-point that looks like a Siamese cat) but she is impeccable with her litter box too! She has a very laid back personality with other rabbits, but is still shy here, being that she is in the bedroom we practically never go in. We had a hit on Parsley too, so keep your fingers crossed. We have someone coming to see Pekachu on Thursday. I hope we can continue to get the wonderful homes we have been finding, as these babies are slowly needing to be separated. I am so, so tired this evening, it's been a long day. I cleaned out a large portion of the basement and moved all the bunnies, including our new trio of Cinni, Rags and Rosie, back to one side. I am going to try to focus more on my Photography if I can give myself some more time. JD had blood-work done today and it seems the vitamins and antibiotics he has been on have helped to bring his bad liver enzyme count down - YEAH! OK, not much more to say. Happy Birthday Chris (my husband)!

Hugs to all animal lovers!
Brandee :o)


Rosie Bonded, Tapioca & Tootsie Roll,


Today was over so quickly. I got up, went to pet sit, on the way home an officer had pulled over in the middle of Lordship Blvd. with his lights on, there was a hit sea-gull in the middle of the road. I stopped (of course I did!) and asked if I could help… I could at least keep him warm until getting him to Dr. Milos tomorrow. They were just going to move him to the side of the road. I took him home in a blanket and put him in a carrier where he died less than 2 hours later. That really just stunk, and I know at this point I should be used to it, but it was just so sad. At least he/she was warm and out of the middle of the road. On another note, I put Rosie in with Cinni and Rags today, and it looks like a keeper, so Rosie will have love from furry friends through out the rest of her days. Ivan is doing just the same today as yesterday, so good for him!

TAPIOCA AND TOOTSIE ROLL got adopted today! Yeah for them! Did I mention that JULIET got adopted and will be bonded to Bubblegum? Well, wish us luck in down-sizing our bunny population. 72 is a few too many, and now that the babies are almost all old enough to altered, we can really start moving everyone to their new forever homes. Well, off to watch Smallville (Hey Ali, I just bought season 5 today!).

Michelle Malone also got an e-mail back from Channel 3 news and it seems they may want to do a story on us! Thank you Michelle! We will see what happens!

Good Night to all! Please don’t forget about collecting Ink Cartridges and Cell Phones!

Brandee :o)

Ivan Better, Rosie Cancer, Acorn, Simon Peter and Oliver

Ivan is still improving (Thank You Mandy for the $100 Donation towards Ivan’s Care!), poor Bubba’s little butt is still raw, Acorn looks like he may be getting a prolapsed anus, I’ll watch it a couple of days. I have some sad news, though hopefully not dooming. Linda called me today and informed me that Rosie’s biopsy came back positive for cancer. We will have her x-rayed in a few weeks to see if it has spread (next place is usually the lungs I guess). One of us will more than likely keep her. Linda said Sterling had gone through the same thing, and she lived another four years so far. All we can do is watch her and keep her comfortable. Tomorrow is my sisters birthday, and Tuesday is Chris’s. I’m wiped out, it’s 1:00 a.m. I know I didn’t write much, but believe it or not, I don’t have much to say tonight. We did get an e-mail that some of the Fitchburg bunnies tested positive for Coccidia, so we will be treating Mikey appropriately. Hermione and Parsley ROCK at their litter boxes! Simon Peter and Oliver may be getting adopted out together. It was supposed to be Simon Peter and Rosie, but we don't want Rosie to go now, not until we know what is going on with her. Check out the pictures of IVAN!! I am amazed.


Ivan update, Rosie, Bubble gum, cancer, adoption


I will start off with telling about a Petco incident that happened on Monday that I hadn’t written about, but probably should. I went into the Stratford location to buy the doggie litter box and pee-pads for Ivan. On the floor next to the small animals and registers was a brown bunny in a pine hutch up for adoption. I had Major (our Shepard) with me, so went and put him in the car so I could check the bunny out. It was a girl, and she had a bit of infection on a swollen vulva. I picked up the papers and went to adopt her. Michelle the manager was ringing me out. An older woman ringing behind her said “isn’t Brian going to take the rabbit?” and Michelle said she thought he was and had their “animal specialist” Anne go to call him. She came back and said he was taking her, but I’m sorry that this just wasn’t good enough for me. I questioned Michelle about why a possibly sick and possibly pregnant animal was on the floor for adoption. She said that when she brought her out from the back room in the morning it was so busy she didn’t have time to take the sign and paper work off the cage, she got very defensive with me and loud in front of the customers. I mentioned to her that I was not being loud and that I just wanted to understand the situation. Anne came back and had talked to Brian who was going to take the bunny and he said he was. Michelle got aggravated because Anne either didn’t bring his number to me, or whatever, I don’t remember. So Anne starts going to the back to get the number and I followed (after handing Michelle the adoption papers and sign STILL lying on the cage) telling Anne just to have Brian call me because I had a pet-sitting job to get too (the 9 bunnies). I asked her a couple of questions about the rabbit, she proceeded to tell me she knew all about rabbits because she had bred them and had them living in her back yard for 2 years. OK, don’t tell Brandee these kinds of things. Don’t you know better? I asked her several questions like “why is there an adoption sign on a potentially pregnant rabbit’s cage? Why is she up for adoption when you said you noticed the spot where there might be an infection?” She told me that they can adopt out pregnant animals. I asked her if they were going to take back the 6-12 baby bunnies if the person who adopted the rabbit didn’t want them. She said no. I asked why it was on the floor to be adopted when it looked like it had infected vagina area, she didn’t have a good answer for that. I asked their “Animal Care Specialist” if she knew why rabbits shouldn’t have a lot of carrots. She looked confused. I asked if she knew why they shouldn’t live on Pine or Cedar shavings. Her answer? “We don’t sell Cedar shavings.” Brilliant. Michelle joined us again asking Anne if she got the number, telling me how I should know how much she cares for the animals, I know she would do the right thing, it just got busy. I have nothing against these people, I want to work with them, and this was just bad timing for them I guess that I stopped by. Michelle was very nervous acting, I felt bad she had to get so jumpy and felt that I was attacking her personally, I really wasn’t, and I was proud that I remained calm. I’m getting better at that! Brian called me shortly afterwards and said that he would be taking her to Dr. Pieper (Brownie Points!) and Michelle called me later to make sure that things were all settled with Brian. Good follow up, also Brownie Points!

OK, on with the Blog. Ivan is now jumping out of his litter box onto a sheet that is around it. Though this may not be huge news to you, this is leaps and bounds to me, as soon he may be able to USE A LITTER BOX!

OK, gotta run. It’s 8:15 and Broadriver Animal Hospital just called, Dr.Lamothe had a lot of cancellations today because of the snow/sleet/ice, so I’m going down to Norwalk to take 3 bunnies in for alters.

I went to Norwalk, took in Gussie (blood-work first), Lila and Snowy. Lila and Snowy got spayed, but Gussie was a hold, and we are waiting the rest of her blood-work back before altering. I went back down at 2:00 to pick them all up and take them back to the Hollow as they decided to close at 2:00 due to the weather and Linda’s car isn’t good in the snow. Those who know me know that I would take this opportunity to pop in my Harry Potter Audio Books! When I got back up this way this morning after dropping them off, I went to the grocery store and then to pick up Simon Peter & Rosie from Dr. Piepers. Both made it through surgery fine, but Rosie had a few masses, including a larger one on her left ovary. He was kind enough to offer to help with part of the cost on the biopsy as he hasn’t seen one like this in a rabbit before. We will know whether it is cancerous or not next week. Poor Rosie, she just can’t get a break. I am so happy she is at least at the Hollow where she is fed, kept clean and warm and gets snuggled from time to time and far away from the life she once knew. I get her here for a few days all to myself, her with her little crooked front feet. She is eating and drinking fine, was very happy at lettuce time this evening and Simon Peter is behaving like he’s had nothing done at all.

Ivan freaked me out today, a freak of Joy! I came home and put him in his doggie litter box. He hopped out and started hopping all over the place! He was hopping straight (not in circles) down the hall and anywhere he could before I put him back on his blanket or in his litter box again, just until his litter box habits have improved. He kept jumping out and taking off, exploring! The head is not straight, but it is not as tilted, his left eye is opened more, and he is grooming a lot more now than I have seen. I was just about tear-stricken when I saw him down the hall. Parsley, our current “Bathroom Bunny” came out to greet him. What a huge difference from a week ago when I only saw him hopping in circles and laying on his side. Keep your fingers crossed, I think the Chloramphenicol is doing leaps and bounds for him. He had his last steroid shot Friday, and it’s been nearly a week, so as I said, keep your fingers crossed and maybe say a little bunny prayer, if he looks to be slipping back down hill, I will take him for another steroid shot to help with the inflammation, but for now, looks to be good!

I separated Shaylah’s males from her last night, and put the 2 bunnies from the 9 bunny people and their 3 babies in a bigger cage (the babies are big enough now that their heads won’t go through the bars!). It’s very, very busy bunny around here (both locations!) but we are doing what we can. We have 3 Guinea Pigs now for adoption, 2 that came in today with the longer hair on their backs, tri-colored, and one that I haven’t even seen yet. These guys will probably go to Cindy at Critter Connection if we don’t adopt them out, in which case we send the adopters to her sight after giving our basics anyways. She is much more Piggie smart than we ever will be! We also have a female black hooded rat that will be up for adoption. She’s a bit squirmy right now, looks young, I will be treating her for mites tomorrow (very severely scabbed in a few areas) as the rat is in Norwalk and I left the meds in Stratford. She is sweet though, not a biter, have played with her much myself. OK… I know it was long today, but there was much to tell.

Oh, Chris and I went to “Off the Wall” here in our neighborhood in Stratford for Valentine’s Day. If you are ever looking for a beautiful spot, it’s especially nice for cozy dinners during the year when you can walk on the beach. They are right across the street. Go and eat and take a walk afterwards. It’s beautiful!

Brandee – here tonight with a purpose in life!


Hi all Another busy day in the life.................This loving family had adopted Bubblegum as a friend for their existing bunny and the bond grew strong. The family told me that you never saw one without the other. Bubblegum's friend passed suddenly yesterday. It sounds to me like perhaps stasis. They didn't realize anything was happening as Bubblegum and his friend shared the same food bowl and litter box. The bunny got sick Saturday night, the family couldn't find a vet on Sunday and on Monday he died before the vet could see them. Bubblegum is seeing Dr. Gil Stanzione Friday morning for a check up and if he is pronounced healthy then he is coming home to the Hollow Friday afternoon to find a new friend. His family says he is very sad and depressed. He wouldn't leave the side of his bunny friend all day till she died. So hopefully he will find a new friend to love. Selfishly I have to admit I can't wait to see him again although I do wish it was under less sad circumstances.... Now to Rosie.... Simon Peter and Rosie had their alter appointments today. Simon is doing just fine. Rosie is also fine however; during the operation Dr. Pieper discovered several masses that might be cancerous. He sent away a biopsy but it will take 5 days to get the results. He removed the masses as best as he could. Rosie did fine through her surgery but we are concerned abut what might be happening. If it is cancer and it has spread farther, then we will face it when we know for sure. For now I am assuming that Rosie - who has made it against all odds many times in her short life, will continue to be a survivor. Perhaps like my own Sterling bunny who is a cancer survivor of almost 5 years now post surgery to remove her ovaries and uterus, Rosie will survive. Rosie's new adoptive family is trying to decide if they feel up to the financial end of caring for her should it be cancer. If they decide not to adopt her after all then Brandee, Lynn and I will fight out who gets the honor of keeping Rosie happy and loved in their home for the rest of her life.


Ivan, Adoptions, Accupressure

Ivan must be feeling better. He’s ripping at his litter box, tossing the ball and trying to throw around his food and water dishes! Bratty bunny! I’m glad to see it! Last night I sent out a brief e-mail announcing the opening of his other eye! He was looking at me with both eyes, and his one that has been opened isn’t “scanning” anymore. I got him a doggie litter box and wee-wee pads yesterday. It has made for an easy clean up. He has much better stabilization as well, he hasn’t flipped or rolled in a couple of days! Ok, not meaning to get my hopes up. On Friday, Linda and I will be meeting with Dr. Poster to go over some acupressure points, as she is a licensed animal acupuncturist, and she will be allowing us to video tape it to watch over and over since both Linda and myself seem to be flaking out lately. We are very excited for this opportunity.

Linda picked up two bunnies that we were called on a couple of days ago stating “the landlord found out about the rabbits so they will either be eaten or released.” 2 males, another local rescue is supposed to come and pick one of them up from us, the mini-lop that looks like a young Emmett. There is another that reminds me of Bubble Gum, he has a dutch look to him, reddish/tan with black speckles on his face and back-half. Both are males. Mikey, our Fitchburg bunny, has settled right in. Shannon from HRN is working on something with Sweet Meadow for rescue groups. I’m hoping they can put together “Adoption Packets” of food and hay to give out at adoptions. That would be great. I have a call into the lawyer in NY (my ex-bosses law-firm) that is reviewing the bunny book I wrote, so keep your fingers crossed.

Rosie is going for blood-work and a spay tomorrow, and Simon Peter a neuter. I began working on our note books today to track all the animals, the info pages will be given at the time of adoption with medical history and any other history we know of placed into the pocket pages, a long with a photo. I have been very excited to get this started, I think it will be a benefit (or a pain in the butt!) to have.

Thumpie (last of Alise’s babies to go!) and Spunky (first of Tinkerbell’s babies to go!) both got adopted today. Both will come back in March for their neuters. We have someone looking at both Simon Peter and Rosie as singles or maybe a bonded pair. Jet and Gigi go home with Michele tomorrow, hopefully to stay a happily bonded pair. This was my last day watching the 9 bunnies. In a couple of weeks when these babies are old enough, I will take the two moms back. They will have them spayed and we will go from there. All went very well. I made them a collage of pictures of their animals while they were gone, just thought it would be something nice, and I haven’t pulled out the camera in a while, which I need to start doing! We have someone interested in a bonded pair of rabbits, so I will be taking Tootsie Roll and Tapioca down to the Hollow tomorrow as well… Well, all in all, a good day! I feel like I am leaving something out, but oh well, there is always tomorrow, I hope!


Ivan, Bubba, Meadow Vet Check, Wood Duck

Yesterday, what was yesterday? Oh yeah, Friday… What did I do? Let’s see, I went to my friend Debbie’s, had some scrambled eggs, watched “Little Miss Sunshine” (cute movie) and then had some home made chicken soup for lunch. Jet and Gigi were with us for the morning. Then I went and dropped off a video, attempted to pick up my sisters prescriptions (office closed) then went home. I cleaned, did laundry and changed cages. I had 3 appointments for 5:15. I got a call from Wildlife in Crisis about an injured wood-duck in Stratford. I went out (under-dressed!) searching for it for about 30 minutes, but didn’t come across one that looked injured. I set off for the vet apts. Bubba is still having eye issues so is going on a stronger antibiotic eye drop. Meadow had blood work done for her spay (Dr. P said that her uterus feels “gnarley”, like the beginning of fibroid masses) and Ivan got another steroid shot though less than last time. I had him on a towel on the floor moving around. He is doing a little better, according to my feelings and what Dr. P said in regards to seeing him on Monday. He is eating and drinking (steroids cause a lot of drinking – right?) a ton, and of course what goes in is gonna come out! He’s a doll.

This morning I got up, did meds and then packed the dogs in the car to go up to Union, CT with me to pick up our little Fitchburg bunny “Mikey.” He is a very young NZW (New Zealand White) and is incredibly cute! It was a 3 hour tour there and back, but I had Harry Potter on and was good to go. I stopped to take care of the bunnies and kitties on the way back. I made a picture frame for the 9 bunny lady of pictures I took yesterday of their animals. I dropped off larger water bottles and a larger sized dog crate then what they had. I put a twin comforter on their couch (the bunnies are making a mess) and a few extra towels and throw rugs. I hope they won’t be offended by it. I went back home and cleaned some more (always trying to keep caught up these days!) and tackled some litter boxes, and, OK, I must have short term memory loss, I don’t know what all I did today! I can tell you I am at work (baby-sitting) watching the Simpson’s next to Sheffie (my little dog) and waiting to go home to spend my final moments of the evening taking care of Ivan and giving meds to others. Jet and Gigi are doing GREAT! OK, enough tonight!



Jet & Gigi, Blogger

Woke up around 7:30 and laid there until 8-ish. Went to take care of the 9 bunnies and 2 cats I am house-sitting for. Went to clean the Hollow from 9-11:30. Got Jet and Gigi (and a check from Michele for $100 to go towards Ivan’s care!) that I am very excited to bond together for Michele (keep your fingers crossed, all is going well so far!) and then went home to clean my bunnies before work at 3. Jim has set up a new Blogger page for the Hollow so I can just type right into our site as soon as my internet is running again. I’m going to have someone come out to do it if I can’t get it to work in the next couple of days. My vacuum decided it was going to be broken. I took it back to Home Depot and had to pay an additional $25 because the previous model I didn’t want to get again because of the fact I didn’t trust it (Rigid “leaf-blower model had a faulty switch that was throwing off sparks!) had gone on sale earlier in the year so they only give you the cheapest price it was sold for in that year if you can’t find the receipt and we have a new CT tax law stating that you don’t get your tax back without a receipt either. Went to work, came home, cleaned cages, watched Smallville and hung out with Ivan, gave lettuce, cleaned cages, hung out with Ivan again while watching Will & Grace with Chris, one episode… He is now in bed, and I am going to join him. YAWN!

Night-Night (And a big Coo-Coo from the Dove I still have not named.)


Off-Line, Ivan, Parsley the Bathroom Bunny

Ok, I give up. I bought a new Linksys and still can’t get online. Ivan is doing well, still just the same, but enjoying all of the attention he’s been getting. He shows no sign of stress from me, the dogs, the kids, whatever, he’s just an easy going bun. I think American Idol might be killing him tonight, however! He is eating and drinking really well, loving to watch me walk around and clean, and I now have him living in the Tupperware bin when I am not home, it has blanket rolls in it to help to stabilize him. He is mostly out, peeing happily on sheets and dog-beds (can’t jump into a litter box now, so not even bothering any longer) but he seems happy and out of pain. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with this bunny. We had an inquiry on Rosie today. The woman sounded very nice and said she’d be happy to see our “less adoptables” which is what happened with Oreo, and her new owners are so very happy with her, and with Buttercup too! Buttercup gets chronic abscesses if she doesn’t get a Penicillin injection twice a week, so we didn’t have high hopes for her being adopted out. She was, to a wonderful family that has a diabetic cat so they are use to the shots! (If I have mentioned this before, please forgive, I just get very excited over it!). Hermione is upstairs thumping around in the spare bedroom and running about. I wish I had more time to spend with her, but once we can get Parsley adopted out (our near PERFECT bathroom bunny!) then we will bring Hermione down here to get use to the rest of the family.

I went with my own bunny Rags to Black Rock Congregational Church to their pre-school today to visit with Jessica and Camille Pittnella (sorry Laura if I murdered the last name) 2 daughters of a friend of mine. He was very well behaved, but not as laid back as Arthur use to be. No one can ever replace that bunny of mine! Arthur was just an amazingly laid back rabbit, no matter where we went, no matter who he met. Well, he was bigger than most dogs he met!

I started my first episode of House last night. Wow. Good show! Well, I don’t know what else to say but I am tired and “Hermione – stop all that racket up there!”

Oh, Linda, I got blue and pink paper for the pocket pages I am going to start working on for each bun – 1,000 all together! Let’s get those bunnies moving, I have some paper to go through! Omigosh, can you imagine, over 1,000 rabbits coming through? We really have been cruising quite a bit lately, so it’s possible, especially with the new BUNNY SUPER SUIT!

Night – Brandee :o)


Ivan's Abcess, a Spay, Seizures and a Bunny Suit

Hey, well, went to see Dr. Pieper with Ivan today, they worked me into an 11:15. Ivan doesn't have an ear infection, he has an ear abscess. For anyone who doesn't know about abscesses in rabbits, they aren't like abscesses in other animals that you can just pop open and drain. The ooze in their abscesses is thick, like cream cheese, and is very hard to drain. Dr. Pieper did the same as I did and just shook his head at the "Baytril' that was given. It is given by vets often who rarely see rabbits as a first option, without research into other possibilities. By the time they have had a course on it, it renders any cultures useless as what started the illness is being somehow masked by an antibiotic. This should have been seen by the vet he first saw sooner. His ear-drum is still intact at the moment, but it is reddening. There are two scenario's now. I can have him on Chloremphenacol (sp?) for a very long time (he has seen one get better with a head tilt this bad after 10-12 months of medication) or it hasn't been caught in time, it will worsen, and he will lose all mobility to stand and it will be irreversible as the inner ear will all have been severely damaged, and would more than likely need to be put down as he would have no quality of life but lying there flopping around being force fed. I, of course, am going for the long term medication, I have high hopes that Ivan and I can make this happen together. The bill today was $147 for the check up, meds, a shot of steroids and a shot of antibiotics to get him started. We will also be treating the eye he hasn't been using with a topical ointment. He will have 1 ½ CC (I believe) of Chloro 2x daily. I'll be in contact with Dr. P this week, as 4 more bunnies have appointments, and we'll see if he needs another steroid shot. He's such a good boy! I'll keep you posted!

Good News! Buster tested negative for EC! Bad news, now what? Dr. Pieper will think about how we can attack this from a different angle now and we'll go from there. Cinnie had a seizure this morning, the first I have seen in over a month. Four of Tinks babies (the boys) were moved down to the Hollow yesterday, and Alise made it through her spay today beautifully. Anne Salmone and her daughter Isabel came by yesterday and brought the binders and clear pages I was looking to get for our records on each rabbit! THANK YOU! Isabel played with all the animals she could, and Anne helped out with cages. Bryne came by last night too for her 2nd Sunday at this location cleaning. Thank you all so much, every bit really helps! Well, I don't know what else to say today, so I'm going to go hang with Ivan (he's at work with me) and snuggle him up. I have to pull him through this, I just have too!

OH! ONE MORE THING!!! Guess what Linda surprised me with yesterday? A FULL BODY RABBIT COSTUME COMPLETE WITH HEAD!!!!!!! It's Brown with a little white belly and little hand-mits, it's PERFECT! YEAH!!! It's going to put the FUN in FUNDRAISING, for me any ways, I can act like an idiot and get away with it!

Brandee :o)


Pet Press Article, Adoptions and Ivan

I'm sitting here with Ivan and am wondering why things work out the way they do. He has white gunk coming out of his left eye that is pretty useless right now as with the wry-neck issue this eye just stays closed. I have been opening it and trying to make him get some use out of it by following my finger around. I'm getting little to no response, but hey, I just started yesterday! As gently rock him, I hear some gas bubbles! We just got done with nibbling on some lettuce! Stormy's eye is great, Bubba's butt is better (eye still watery) all the remaining babies are doing great, Bay is great, Shaylah's fur all grew back in on her head, Juliet and Cleo have both stopped sneezing, Parsley has found Hermione in the upstairs bedroom, so now the baby gate! As far as I know, things are well at Linda's location, except Pumpkin seemed to backtrack a little in his healing (EC & upper respiratory). I have a write up in Pet Press this month (I don't remember what I sent, as I sent in a few articles) that I am told is the one on spaying/neutering. I am having a problem finding a copy (I need a few if anyone sees it this month's issue is apparently all about rabbits!). Next week I will be taking in one of the Fitchburg bunnies from Mass through the HRN. We are happy to help, even though it's only one rabbit! I am house sitting for the 9 bunny people. Things are quite well, they rearranged things so that the bunnies are separated from each other, and there are appointments coming up for the other females to be spayed. The 4 remaining babies (I'm pretty positive) are all girls, about 6-7 weeks old. I actually felt at peace when I went there today, really. I'm glad I thought about things and have decided to respond to them differently.

OK, it's about 9:30 p.m., I can't connect to the internet, yet again! I need to replace my Linksys.
I just finished up another ½ hour play/therapy session with Ivan. It's hard to see him struggle, but I have high hopes for him. His one eye that is open just keeps scanning everything, sideways and upside down. I wonder if he is nauseated by the whole thing, I know I would be. Say a prayer for him. I am betting on this being EC and Dr. Pieper and I spoke about him the other day and also about getting our hands on the Marquee. He goes in on Tuesday, blood work and a check-up. It's funny how with everything going on, how I am trying to find myself, that he should come into my life. I find him to be a blessing. Please say a little prayer for him that together we can get him better.

One of Alise's boys got adopted out today, which leaves one more from her litter. I'm very excited for him! Let's just hope these adoptions keep on coming, we need the room, and they need the homes!

Good Night!


Stargate, Ivan's Eating, and Cash in the Mail

I'm sitting here watching one of my favorite Stargate Episodes called "Wormhole X-Treme."

I got my new bunny today, mine forever, Ivan. He has extreme head tilt, but is eating everything I give him such as broccoli, carrots (I want to fatten him up, he is so thin!) and lettuce. I have been working with his neck today and gave him some Metacam (pain killer) since our head movement sessions to try and work on the severe muscle atrophy that comes with wry-neck are very sore to him and I want him to be in less pain. I'll keep him on it for a few days until he gets use to the muscle soreness that he will have. Ali was paid by Julie Durante in cash today. Julie said she forgot to send it out. Cash? In the Mail? I'm just glad that Ali got reimbursed for her help to us!

My Life here is not an accident, it has all been pre-destined.