
Argh! Long week...

I don't even know where to start. Last Thursday is just a blur, I know it involved a kitten call and the Trumbull rabbits, I just know it was rabbit filled and we spent a good portion of the day in the car. Friday morning I got up, borrowed a trap from Feral Care, set two traps in someones yard in Stratford to trap two rabbits running loose (there was a third but a car took that one out), ran a bunny to South Wilton Vet that had come in from Trumbull with scabs, missing fur, and major front teeth malocclusion, went to Linda's to pick up a baby bunny I'm watching, and then took the bunny with Katie (my 14 month old) and I too my OBGYN apt. at 10:45 in Fairfield. They weren't even awed that I showed up in the office with a rabbit. They know what I do. Saturday we had another Tag-Sale, we made it little over $300, and have another one next Saturday, and two in October. We are hoping to buy an incubator that has a front sliding door on it, they hold the heat well, and they cost about $500. It's a necessity for when we get in baby bunnies. I lost 5 this month. It sucks. Our money this past tag sale went to two vet bills incurred on the same day. One for a rat that has been passing blood in the urine, another for a 6 week old baby bunny that had to have Bot-Fly larvae (cutebra) removed from it surgically. We spend it as fast as it comes in, there is so much going on right now. We are in need of donations for our upcoming tag-sales. Please contact Brandee for item donation at 203-767-1150.