
A crazy day, Alestair, Flash, Carmie, Elvis

Well, it's 11:40 and I just want to talk to someone, and no one is home. Chris is asleep on the couch with Jojo the Pug puppy we are watching for 2 weeks (so cute!) and Will & Grace is on the T.V. I had a few laughs, but the day was long and a bit frustrating. Michelle Malone called a few days ago about these people living next door to her mother in-law that had kittens outside all over the place. Michelle caught two, then trapped the mom today. I had her release the mom again as there seems to be two moms and two litters and we don't know who is nursing who at the time. Some seem to be 3 weeks, some 5 weeks old. I think the neighbors denied having cats, but let her in to look for a kitten that was in the house somehow and saw litter boxes and cat toys everywhere... Needless to say, we will have kittens for adoption in the next few weeks. PLEASE HELP! The moms will need homes too as they are trapped.

I was excited it was a bit colder and raining today, thinking to myself "Wow! I can clean the Hollow, clean the buns here and call it a day!" Well, the pug baby we are watching appears to be having something like seizures starting to kick in. I got up this morning and with her owners consent I dropped her at their vet in Fairfield for blood work and then proceeded on to Dr. Pieper with 3 rabbits to be neutered in Stratford (the beginning of my day as this is where I live). I went to Poster Animal Hospital with three of the 11 hamsters we had taken in and Dr. Poster adopted one but we couldn't find a cage for it, so I said I would take the hammies to the Hollow with me and drop off one back to her with a temporary cage. I then went to Westport to see if I could see any of the kittens, but alas, it was raining and cats don't like the wet, so I dropped off a borrowed Havahart trap from Dr. Poster and went on my way to clean the Hollow in Norwalk as I called the Humane Society and Petco to see what they might have for adoption. There is a parakeet at the HS in Westport looking for a home, no other small animals at either location other than the HS rabbits.

While at the Hollow, we had a family stop by to see the other two hamsters, they picked one out and left to get there supplies. They came back to pick up their hamster, left donations, and I finished cleaning. I went in to visit with Snowy who had his leg broken this past weekend getting it stuck in his cage while on a shelf. Carmie, Linda's bunny bonded to Angel died yesterday, so the cage looked sad and lonely. Angel will be bonded to Miracle if all goes well. After leaving Linda's (several phone calls coming in while I was there) I proceeded back to where the kittens are (with a Guinea Pig in tote that Christine aka. Wignug, is going to foster) to see Michelle and her kids, her friend Kathy and her kids, all out in the rain trying to capture some of the other small ones. I nabbed one who was very upset with me, then left them to go about there business in catching any others (no luck more today) and went to drop of Dr. Posters hammie. I met Chris for lunch and then proceeded to pick up a table to borrow from Linda's husbands place in Fairfield, Fairfield Hardwood Supply. After leaving there, I went to pick up the pug baby Jojo. I got there and the receptionist told me "I'm sorry, she is going to have to stay with us." I was beginning to panic thinking something was really wrong when they told me "she has to stay, she is just too cute!" After that heart-failure, Jojo and I got in the car and I received a call from a guy on the phone who dropped the phone and was swearing while talking to me about a mom bunny that had 3 babies this morning but the mom had died. I gave him a number or two to call, since I don't like taking in babies - they are just too hard to keep alive... On the way home, Dr. Piepers office gave me another near heart failure as they said 2 of the rabbits out of 3 (Alastair and Flash) made it through surgery just fine, just as I felt a lump in my throat they said that Elvis never had to have surgery as he was an already neutered bunny. He was the one that had been dumped at the Queen's zoo. I got home and one of the dogs (Sheffie I am sure) had knocked my lap-top on the floor and broke the back - still working though, I am on it, and somehow JD had finagled the food dehydrator out onto the kitchen floor and was trying to clean off any cinnamon from the apples he could find... I had Chelsea (my new 13 year old and very awesome volunteer!) come over with a friend of hers and they helped clean cages, do water and food, and played with Jojo while I was doing other things (thank you Chelsea, you helped bring some sanity to my life today and I appreciate your kindness very much!). Christine came by and picked up the piggie and was in tears when she saw how great Martin, our newly 3 legged bunny, is doing. Chris came home, I made dinner, then begged him to do Dance Dance Revolution with me for 1/2 hour. It has been a long day, but that is OK. Michelle Malone took the 3 baby bunnies from the guy who called, he says he wants them back... We'll see what happens there. Ali dropped off a bag of lactated ringer for me and I can't find it anywhere, so that is my goal tomorrow morning, find the lactated ringer, get those babies hydrated and then we will all decide what to do from there. I have another dog staying with me this week too, a Golden named Beckam. He and Jojo are AWESOME dogs and have played much and just fit in to our routine so nicely... Thank you GOD!

Chris called me this morning about hearing news that a local animal rescue person was arrested. Turns out the woman (who yelled at me for Arthur not having water in his cage 5 minutes after I set it up) from "Companions for Life" that was arrested last year for her deplorable condition of 129 dogs was arrested again yesterday. I'm not sure, but something about moving and not telling anyone and having more dogs again. I was so afraid it would be worse... It could have been!

Good night to all!
Brandee :o)

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