
Addison's leg...

Ok, I am actually blogging two days in a row - messed up, but I have to share. Addie went to South Wilton today for another check up on her leg, and again had her amputation surgery postponed. She's doing awesome now, and the doctor seems to think that I may just mosey on into my kitchen one morning and find the leg has fallen off on it's own! Eeeeeeewwwwwww! As far as Addie goes, it's not bothering her, she's in no pain, and it would be better for her than putting the little 1 1/2 pounder through the surgery. She's still on Metacam, Baytril and Pen-G shots, and she is just doing great, she's actually following me in the kitchen now (she' knows where the lettuce is) and I'm so worried I'll step on her, she's the same size as Major's (our Shepard) toys! I have to watch out for her when Katie is in her walker zooming around too. We are making it work. Such good news after the loss of Oliver Chin. Bugsy on the other hand, I had to express his bladder again today, gave more fluids, and he's being force-fed now. He's just like Fuzz-butt, just lying there, only Fuzz is eating on his own. I'm keeping him with Moody, his bond mate, during the day so he doesn't get depressed, and putting him in a cage next to her pen at night so they can stay together. I hate this, this thought that every time I go see him he might be gone... Brandee

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