Petco Tomorrow! St.Joseph Students come visit!
Our Petco date is tomorrow, so don't forget to come on down. We will be holding a bake sale and doing nail clippings for $10! Also for $10, come and have your picture, child's picture, or pets picture taken with the Easter Bunny! All proceeds go 100% towards food/hay and vet bills. Any donations you wish to make such as garbage bags, vinegar, and paper towels, ink cartridges and old cell phones can also be brought down at this time. We will be at Petco in Norwalk from 11-3 and will also be holding small animal adoptions at this time, and we will have adoption papers for rabbits there to be filled out for review as well. Come show your support! If you can't make it tomorrow, we will be at the Humane Society in Westport next Saturday, also doing pictures and nail clippings along with brief 15 minute lectures every hour on proper rabbit care and handling. This event is also from 11-3 with adoptions being held. For any questions, please e-mail me direct at or call me at 203-767-1150. For directions to Petco tomorrow, please call 203-840-0331. For more information or directions next weekend to the Humane Society, please call 203-227-4137.
Magoo went in for follow up bloodwork today so hopefully all went well with the Marquis and his diet helped to correct his organ functions. We have a possible 3-4 adoptions tomorrow, and we have the girl chins that came in on Sunday going to their new home tomorrow and another 2 that are males coming in tomorrow. Don't forget that we will also have hamsters, gerbils and rats up for adoption at Petco tomorrow! The photographer for the NY Times article is coming over on Sunday afternoon!

Parsley and Major Snuggle at Bedtime.

Have a Great Weekend!
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