First off, on this rainy day, I wish to send condolences from all of us at the Hollow to Jessica, her mom, and their whole family on the passing of her step-father yesterday. They have had a very hard few weeks as her Grandfather also just passed away, and her step-fathers death was a very sudden accident and very unexpected. We all send our deepest sympathies to the whole family at this very difficult time.
I'm sitting and going through e-mails and voice mails re: rabbits. The birds are all going crazy chirping outside in the down-pour we are having (they sound happy!). We have two Chinchilla's coming in this week (females) that will be up for adoption and we also have 3 tan hooded male rats (sweet but scared), a pair of very sweet gerbils, a couple of guinea pigs, and a sweet little dwarf hamster all up for adoption. I have my feet up, my ankles look like they are getting a little swollen, and I have this little life bumping around inside my belly. Linda had a hellacious morning that we won't even get in to, I'm on Penicillin again for the 3rd time during the pregnancy, and we both have head colds. We have bunny bondings galore going on, which is great for both us and for the bunnies all getting new friends, but things are very hectic at the same time with all the swapping in and out of the rabbits that are cooperating and the rabbits that are being bratty bunnies! We also need to get a final count on who can help with the Petco date coming up and the Humane Society date coming up. These are two very important dates for us, both happening just in time for the Easter Holiday. We have people signed up for doing baked goods too, so anyone who can, please e-mail me direct and let me know what you will be bringing and what date you will be available to help. The dates are March 15 and March 22 both from 11-3 and we will take you as long as we can get you! If you have room to help with fostering any animals any time coming up, please let us know what you have room for and if you have a time limit.
Annabelle has been on I.V. Fluids once a day for about 4 or 5 days now. She is having kidney problems. She is also now on Baytril and Phenbendazole (spelling?). She will go in next Monday with Magoo as they both have their blood work re-done so we can see where we now stand with these little furballs.
Great Bunny Shots!

Newly Bonded Bonnie and Toby of Greenwich!
Above is Newly Bonded Tinkerbelle and Butterscotch of Stratford munching on some lettuce!
Below is Leila and Lightening of Shelton, the two bunnies that were left in a box on the side of a road with a third bunny that had died. They were covered with fleas and are now living the high-life together! Way to Go Buns!
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