Flash & Jewel, Asher & Celeste, Bugs & Moody, Indie & Honeydew Update! Chinchilla's coming, Gerbils going, busy bonding week!
I am so thrilled this week! Ali went away leaving her bonded pair Scout and Alex, and her single bunny Flash with me to bond. Flash is now very happily bonded to the beautiful lop, Jewel. They are going crazy doing binkies together! I opened the pens between Miss Moody and Bugsy yesterday morning, and they are just in love! I guess the month of trying to bond them and the between bars grooming sessions have paid off! Sunday I will construct a full pen for the both of them. I am so happy when I see bunnies in love! Asher and Celeste (formally Diamond) are staying with me until Tuesday and I'm attempting to bond them as well. It seems to be going quite well, but she's very possessive of things, she needs to learn to share! When their mom Terri dropped them to stay, she brought over bags of mixed salad for all the buns to share. We had visitors yesterday at the Stratford location. First, Pekachu's mom Michelle came and took me to lunch with her daughter Madison, then Rootbeer's mom (now Buddy) came and dropped food and hay. Asher and Celeste's mom dropped off all sorts of goodies, then Whitney from Critter Connection came by with more hay and goodies! Amy stopped by to pick up Juliet and Shadow (I was attempting to bond them) to take them home to keep them side by side for a week. All is well with them in the carrier, but give them a little space and she wants it all to herself!
2 Female Chinchilla's are coming in on Sunday that Christine will foster and will be looking for homes, and the 2 Gerbils should be going to their new home on Sunday. Penny, Linus and Cocoa should be coming on Sunday too for what we hope will be another successful triple bonding. Thank goodness they are small rabbits!

Jewel and Flash!
These two buns are the binky king and queen! Two less lonely bunnies in the world!

I wanted to send you a quick update on the buns. They are doing great! They get along so well and I am so happy that we decided to bond the two of them. Honeydew is an absolute sweetheart, and Indy is still a bratty bunny, but we love him anyway!!! They do everything together. We were excited to see their picture in your March flyer! I thought you might like these updated pictures. We will be coming to Norwalk for the Grand Opening, and if Indy will cooperate with me and I can get them both in the carrier I will bring them to get their nails clipped, if not I might be coming bunnyless! I have some old cell phones I will bring with me to Petco also if you still are collecting them.See you then...
~Stacey, and of course Indy & Honeydew!

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