Wow, a very busy two weeks! We had our Petco Grand Opening, pretty good turn out! We

adopted out 2 chinchilla's and took another 2 in. Christine is fostering the boy chins that came in. Another Chin came in the next day, a single female. We raised a little over $300.00 and got to chat with a lot of people. The Humane Society on the 22nd was a nice event as well. 4 buns left the Humane Society that day. I have been working on several bondings, the most current is Emmett (back for bonding) and he's with Snow White right now after trying Sunshine and Roxy. He tried to eat Sunshine, and Roxy tried to eat him! I am also trying Billy (back for bonding) and Joy right now. I hope everyone works out, they all look so beautiful together! Menouche (already an established bun) came in for a bonding with Venus. They are doing ok, but giving their mommy a run for her money. Magoo went into kidney failure and is now back in the safe zone again. He's on fluids and baytril for the month. A check came in for us from the Petco Foundation yesterday for a little over $800. We are excited as it will pay for any combo of things such as 5 neuters, or 4 spays, or 16 bottles of medication, a delivery of food and hay and then some... Daydreaming of bunnies... It's an illness.
Well, Linda and I had a talk today, and we currently have 27 cages at the Hollow, some with bonded pairs. Because we have had so many cancellations of volunteers to help recently, we are going to have to start turning away rabbits in need. Linda can not be expected to be out doing cages everyday. Unfortunatly it looks like it would be most reasonable to cut down to only 15 cages, therefore only helping and houseing 1/2 of the population we have now. We are sad about this, but it seems it is going to have to be done. I know every shelter has volunteer issues, so it's understandable, it's just overwhelming for the both of us, especially with all that is going on, and a baby on the way!
Yesterday Linda got a phone call from a woman who was looking for a place for a bunny to go that was running loose in a friends yard and handed the phone to me (we had buns being dropped off for bonding). I told her we couldn't take the bunny in at the moment, gave her the low-down on what they would need and then we hung up. She had called back a couple of times about traps and what, well, I guess animal control wouldn't lend them one because her friend (Maggie) whose yard the bunny was in went and spent $75 on a havahart trap. Maggie called for help setting the trap while I was around the corner having the oil changed in the car (yes, we do these things too!) so I was close. I went by, we set up the trap, then set the trap, and as I went to leave I saw the bunny next to the car basking in the sun... A couple of minutes later I had scooped up yet another beautiful albino bunny girl. Another friend is fostering until we have space. I will get the bunny in next month for a spay and we'll go from there. DYLAN AND ESPRESSO GOT ADOPTED TODAY!
We were in the NY TIMES Sunday paper this weekend (on Easter!) in the CT. section. The link is below:
Newly Bonded Bunnies
Above in this blog is Emmett the Lop and Snow White
Below is Jackson (gray lop) and Jeanie

Gia and Billy - a hopeful match in the making.
Drew helping us out as Hip-Hop at the Humane Society 3/22/2008
Christine below helping out as Hip-Hop at Petco on 3/15/2008

Minouche and Venus

Chelsea's Girls
Zach the Wack riding on a lawn chair & long board, catching a little wind!

Well, we have a few adoptions coming up this weekend, so wish us luck! We also have 2 bondings this weekend, one is a trio (Gussie, Elvis & Zorro) so really wish us luck! Have a wonderful weekend everyone! - Brandee