
Ivan, Bubba, Meadow Vet Check, Wood Duck

Yesterday, what was yesterday? Oh yeah, Friday… What did I do? Let’s see, I went to my friend Debbie’s, had some scrambled eggs, watched “Little Miss Sunshine” (cute movie) and then had some home made chicken soup for lunch. Jet and Gigi were with us for the morning. Then I went and dropped off a video, attempted to pick up my sisters prescriptions (office closed) then went home. I cleaned, did laundry and changed cages. I had 3 appointments for 5:15. I got a call from Wildlife in Crisis about an injured wood-duck in Stratford. I went out (under-dressed!) searching for it for about 30 minutes, but didn’t come across one that looked injured. I set off for the vet apts. Bubba is still having eye issues so is going on a stronger antibiotic eye drop. Meadow had blood work done for her spay (Dr. P said that her uterus feels “gnarley”, like the beginning of fibroid masses) and Ivan got another steroid shot though less than last time. I had him on a towel on the floor moving around. He is doing a little better, according to my feelings and what Dr. P said in regards to seeing him on Monday. He is eating and drinking (steroids cause a lot of drinking – right?) a ton, and of course what goes in is gonna come out! He’s a doll.

This morning I got up, did meds and then packed the dogs in the car to go up to Union, CT with me to pick up our little Fitchburg bunny “Mikey.” He is a very young NZW (New Zealand White) and is incredibly cute! It was a 3 hour tour there and back, but I had Harry Potter on and was good to go. I stopped to take care of the bunnies and kitties on the way back. I made a picture frame for the 9 bunny lady of pictures I took yesterday of their animals. I dropped off larger water bottles and a larger sized dog crate then what they had. I put a twin comforter on their couch (the bunnies are making a mess) and a few extra towels and throw rugs. I hope they won’t be offended by it. I went back home and cleaned some more (always trying to keep caught up these days!) and tackled some litter boxes, and, OK, I must have short term memory loss, I don’t know what all I did today! I can tell you I am at work (baby-sitting) watching the Simpson’s next to Sheffie (my little dog) and waiting to go home to spend my final moments of the evening taking care of Ivan and giving meds to others. Jet and Gigi are doing GREAT! OK, enough tonight!


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