Ivan Better, Rosie Cancer, Acorn, Simon Peter and Oliver
Ivan is still improving (Thank You Mandy for the $100 Donation towards Ivan’s Care!), poor Bubba’s little butt is still raw, Acorn looks like he may be getting a prolapsed anus, I’ll watch it a couple of days. I have some sad news, though hopefully not dooming. Linda called me today and informed me that Rosie’s biopsy came back positive for cancer. We will have her x-rayed in a few weeks to see if it has spread (next place is usually the lungs I guess). One of us will more than likely keep her. Linda said Sterling had gone through the same thing, and she lived another four years so far. All we can do is watch her and keep her comfortable. Tomorrow is my sisters birthday, and Tuesday is Chris’s. I’m wiped out, it’s 1:00 a.m. I know I didn’t write much, but believe it or not, I don’t have much to say tonight. We did get an e-mail that some of the Fitchburg bunnies tested positive for Coccidia, so we will be treating Mikey appropriately. Hermione and Parsley ROCK at their litter boxes! Simon Peter and Oliver may be getting adopted out together. It was supposed to be Simon Peter and Rosie, but we don't want Rosie to go now, not until we know what is going on with her.
Check out the pictures of IVAN!! I am amazed.

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