
Buttercup, Linus, Holly, Simon Peter

A Message from Linda, President of the Hollow:

I am pleased to announce the bonding of our alumni Buttercup and Linus!!!!! Linus has left with his new love for his forever home with Margie, Corry, Buttercup and the cats! He went quite happily and pretty obviously in love................

I am also delighted to announce that Holly aka Ewok has left on her journey to Mass. with my second daughter Jennifer and her S/O Kevin.I am not happy to announce that Simon Peter who was being picked up today by his new family is still here. He decided in a very Simon like manner to come down with a bad case of stasis this morning. He will be seeing the vet in the morning and will be leaving for his new home next weekend health permitting. His new famiy is very disapointed but understands that he needs some intensive care for now.

Linda at the Hop A Long Hollow

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