I will start off with telling about a Petco incident that happened on Monday that I hadn’t written about, but probably should. I went into the Stratford location to buy the doggie litter box and pee-pads for Ivan. On the floor next to the small animals and registers was a brown bunny in a pine hutch up for adoption. I had Major (our Shepard) with me, so went and put him in the car so I could check the bunny out. It was a girl, and she had a bit of infection on a swollen vulva. I picked up the papers and went to adopt her. Michelle the manager was ringing me out. An older woman ringing behind her said “isn’t Brian going to take the rabbit?” and Michelle said she thought he was and had their “animal specialist” Anne go to call him. She came back and said he was taking her, but I’m sorry that this just wasn’t good enough for me. I questioned Michelle about why a possibly sick and possibly pregnant animal was on the floor for adoption. She said that when she brought her out from the back room in the morning it was so busy she didn’t have time to take the sign and paper work off the cage, she got very defensive with me and loud in front of the customers. I mentioned to her that I was not being loud and that I just wanted to understand the situation. Anne came back and had talked to Brian who was going to take the bunny and he said he was. Michelle got aggravated because Anne either didn’t bring his number to me, or whatever, I don’t remember. So Anne starts going to the back to get the number and I followed (after handing Michelle the adoption papers and sign STILL lying on the cage) telling Anne just to have Brian call me because I had a pet-sitting job to get too (the 9 bunnies). I asked her a couple of questions about the rabbit, she proceeded to tell me she knew all about rabbits because she had bred them and had them living in her back yard for 2 years. OK, don’t tell Brandee these kinds of things. Don’t you know better? I asked her several questions like “why is there an adoption sign on a potentially pregnant rabbit’s cage? Why is she up for adoption when you said you noticed the spot where there might be an infection?” She told me that they can adopt out pregnant animals. I asked her if they were going to take back the 6-12 baby bunnies if the person who adopted the rabbit didn’t want them. She said no. I asked why it was on the floor to be adopted when it looked like it had infected vagina area, she didn’t have a good answer for that. I asked their “Animal Care Specialist” if she knew why rabbits shouldn’t have a lot of carrots. She looked confused. I asked if she knew why they shouldn’t live on Pine or Cedar shavings. Her answer? “We don’t sell Cedar shavings.” Brilliant. Michelle joined us again asking Anne if she got the number, telling me how I should know how much she cares for the animals, I know she would do the right thing, it just got busy. I have nothing against these people, I want to work with them, and this was just bad timing for them I guess that I stopped by. Michelle was very nervous acting, I felt bad she had to get so jumpy and felt that I was attacking her personally, I really wasn’t, and I was proud that I remained calm. I’m getting better at that! Brian called me shortly afterwards and said that he would be taking her to Dr. Pieper (Brownie Points!) and Michelle called me later to make sure that things were all settled with Brian. Good follow up, also Brownie Points!
OK, on with the Blog. Ivan is now jumping out of his litter box onto a sheet that is around it. Though this may not be huge news to you, this is leaps and bounds to me, as soon he may be able to USE A LITTER BOX!
OK, gotta run. It’s 8:15 and Broadriver Animal Hospital just called, Dr.Lamothe had a lot of cancellations today because of the snow/sleet/ice, so I’m going down to Norwalk to take 3 bunnies in for alters. 
I went to Norwalk, took in Gussie (blood-work first), Lila and Snowy. Lila and Snowy got spayed, but Gussie was a hold, and we are waiting the rest of her blood-work back before altering. I went back down at 2:00 to pick them all up and take them back to the Hollow as they decided to close at 2:00 due to the weather and Linda’s car isn’t good in the snow. Those who know me know that I would take this opportunity to pop in my Harry Potter Audio Books! When I got back up this way this morning after dropping them off, I went to the grocery store and then to pick up Simon Peter & Rosie from Dr. Piepers. Both made it through surgery fine, but Rosie had a few masses, including a larger one on her left ovary. He was kind enough to offer to help with part of the cost on the biopsy as he hasn’t seen one like this in a rabbit before. We will know whether it is cancerous or not next week. Poor Rosie, she just can’t get a break. I am so happy she is at least at the Hollow where she is fed, kept clean and warm and gets snuggled from time to time and far away from the life she once knew. I get her here for a few days all to myself, her with her little crooked front feet. She is eating and drinking fine, was very happy at lettuce time this evening and Simon Peter is behaving like he’s had nothing done at all.

Ivan freaked me out today, a freak of Joy! I came home and put him in his doggie litter box. He hopped out and started hopping all over the place! He was hopping straight (not in circles) down the hall and anywhere he could before I put him back on his blanket or in his litter box again, just until his litter box habits have improved. He kept jumping out and taking off, exploring! The head is not straight, but it is not as tilted, his left eye is opened more, and he is grooming a lot more now than I have seen. I was just about tear-stricken when I saw him down the hall. Parsley, our current “Bathroom Bunny” came out to greet him. What a huge difference from a week ago when I only saw him hopping in circles and laying on his side. Keep your fingers crossed, I think the Chloramphenicol is doing leaps and bounds for him. He had his last steroid shot Friday, and it’s been nearly a week, so as I said, keep your fingers crossed and maybe say a little bunny prayer, if he looks to be slipping back down hill, I will take him for another steroid shot to help with the inflammation, but for now, looks to be good!
I separated Shaylah’s males from her last night, and put the 2 bunnies from the 9 bunny people and their 3 babies in a bigger cage (the babies are big enough now that their heads won’t go through the bars!). It’s very, very busy bunny around here (both locations!) but we are doing what we can. We have 3 Guinea Pigs now for adoption, 2 that came in today with the longer hair on their backs, tri-colored, and one that I haven’t even seen yet. These guys will probably go to Cindy at Critter Connection if we don’t adopt them out, in which case we send the adopters to her sight after giving our basics anyways. She is much more Piggie smart than we ever will be! We also have a female black hooded rat that will be up for adoption. She’s a bit squirmy right now, looks young, I will be treating her for mites tomorrow (very severely scabbed in a few areas) as the rat is in Norwalk and I left the meds in Stratford. She is sweet though, not a biter, have played with her much myself. OK… I know it was long today, but there was much to tell.

Oh, Chris and I went to “Off the Wall” here in our neighborhood in Stratford for Valentine’s Day. If you are ever looking for a beautiful spot, it’s especially nice for cozy dinners during the year when you can walk on the beach. They are right across the street. Go and eat and take a walk afterwards. It’s beautiful!
Brandee – here tonight with a purpose in life!
Hi all Another busy day in the life.................This loving family had adopted Bubblegum as a friend for their existing bunny and the bond grew strong. The family told me that you never saw one without the other. Bubblegum's friend passed suddenly yesterday. It sounds to me like perhaps stasis. They didn't realize anything was happening as Bubblegum and his friend shared the same food bowl and litter box. The bunny got sick Saturday night, the family couldn't find a vet on Sunday and on Monday he died before the vet could see them. Bubblegum is seeing Dr. Gil Stanzione Friday morning for a check up and if he is pronounced healthy then he is coming home to the Hollow Friday afternoon to find a new friend. His family says he is very sad and depressed. He wouldn't leave the side of his bunny friend all day till she died. So hopefully he will find a new friend to love. Selfishly I have to admit I can't wait to see him again although I do wish it was under less sad circumstances.... Now to Rosie.... Simon Peter and Rosie had their alter appointments today. Simon is doing just fine. Rosie is also fine however; during the operation Dr. Pieper discovered several masses that might be cancerous. He sent away a biopsy but it will take 5 days to get the results. He removed the masses as best as he could. Rosie did fine through her surgery but we are concerned abut what might be happening. If it is cancer and it has spread farther, then we will face it when we know for sure. For now I am assuming that Rosie - who has made it against all odds many times in her short life, will continue to be a survivor. Perhaps like my own Sterling bunny who is a cancer survivor of almost 5 years now post surgery to remove her ovaries and uterus, Rosie will survive. Rosie's new adoptive family is trying to decide if they feel up to the financial end of caring for her should it be cancer. If they decide not to adopt her after all then Brandee, Lynn and I will fight out who gets the honor of keeping Rosie happy and loved in their home for the rest of her life.