Of course, now that I have force fed Stormy for the night and snuggled with him a bit after being terrified he wasn't eating/drinking enough and would suffer through stasis, I have him on a blanket on our couch hanging out with me and the poop has been non-stop. He is munching on a carrot right next to me as I type and the lettuce I gave him has been eaten quite a bit. He's playing me I think! He is tooth-purring and not grinding out of pain because he is only doing it when I pet him. I think he just doesn't know what to think of me or all the rabbits in his new living quarters down-stairs. It has been a long day, but hey, that is what rescue is all about! I am just ecstatic that he is actually eating something! I gave him some metacam this afternoon after our vet appointment (12 hours it is suppose to last) so hopefully that is helping. He was a very, very good boy getting his eye-meds and feeding tonight. I just love him, really, and I hope in my heart he will find a great home. I was talking to the Grandmother of the woman who called me to come and get him, and she was telling me how she was out in her yard and he came running across the street from down the hill and was screaming and making moaning noises last week. She was very concerned that kids might have been chasing him with a stick or bat or something. I told her that I felt that is when his eye injury probably happened. He is very content here this evening, but I have sorrow in my heart just trying to comprehend what he must have gone through. I wear contacts and my eyes burn from them just being dried out and tired, and as most of you may know I have had several severe eye infections myself (thought at first to be from the closeness I have with the bunnies, but we are now thinking that it might also be the solutions and contacts I have been using as since I have changed over to something different this past month I have been great!) which have left small scars on my cornea of my left eye (not much worse than what a tanning bed can do to you!) even though I Purell the heck out of my hands. He's grooming now, he's just so beautiful!
On a very nice note, in addition to Michelle's donation of the $50 Target G.C. today, she is offering to try and donate $50 each month to the Hollow (as Buttercups mom does) and Ann Salmon ( from our web-group) came by like 2 minutes after I got home tonight and brought the Hollow a large container of baby wipes, raisins, a huge bag of carrots (the bunnies are loving this treat!), a gift basket with awesome movie-goodies in it, and 10 ink cartridges for our collection. I also got to show her some of the bunnies of the Hollow and speak with her for a while. She is a very kind woman with 2 bonded House Rabbit pairs of her own! Thank you so much Ann & Michelle! Ok, it's been a seriously long day with a little good news (Stormy eating!) at the end. Hope everyone is enjoying my little stories, and if you don't wish to be updated, let me know, I'll remove you from whatever list I have you on! For everyone, thank you so kindly for all your donations and help whether it be through the collection of items we need or you time donated to cleaning cages, or if you are fostering, just know you are helping us out more than you will ever know. You are all so much more appreciated than we can ever tell you, ever!
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