The Rescue of Storm
I caught a bunny today under a tree in Stratford after getting a phone call from Linda that someone had called her, I was the closer one. I ran up there at 2:00 since they said they could see him (the kids I nanny for start coming home around 3:00 so it had to be quick), and said it looked like he only had one eye. Stratford AC had been out there a few days before and couldn't catch him. I found a break in the branches under the tree, put my knees in the mud, and pulled him out. He seemed defeated, like he was just ready to take whatever came next. He has a deep laceration in his right eye and will be getting
Boric Acid eye rinses and triple eye antibiotic until his appointment with Dr. P on Wednesday. He isn't really eating, I gave him some fluids and critical care, but I'm concerned even though there were some small poops in the cage. We named him Storm, as it was a very gray day out and he was soaked from the rain. Water poured off the top of his head when I picked him up. Poor little guy. He is eating some soaked lettuce this evening.

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