
Hectic, Hectic and Back Pain

It started off a typical day. I was called to transport wildlife this morning, and when I got to the vet's office at 8 am, the vet had taken the bird home yesterday and was not due in today. Alas, I will try again Thursday. I proceeded to the beach with my dogs, and Acorn the rabbit who had a vet apt. for 10:30 and 2 of my dogs for 10:45, they need a run! We made it to the vets with no incidents! Yeah! JD's blood-work came back negative for the disease that he was believe to have had. Sheffie and Major had blood work done today - both heartworm free I might add, and got micro-chipped. When they scanned the chips to make sure they were working, they saw that Major already had one. Funny the things you don't know about your own dogs, I guess the petstore he came from before going to SCAR in NY had him low-jacked already! Oh well. Acorn has an ear infection - puss and all. He started shaking his head yesterday morning and I hadn't seen him do it before, so kind of observed him, and it was still going on this morning, so in we went for an antibiotic shot and antibiotic ear drops.

I was unaware that the boy I nanny for, Nick, had 1/2 day today until he called me from his cell phone (Nick is 16 years old) to see where I was and to let me know he was home. OK, ran to Fairfield to work, check e-mails, etc... My friend came by and Sheffie didn't get up running as usual, but was keeping weight off his back right leg. He had an allergic reaction to the Rabies shot today, so back up to the vet for a shot of steroids. It's not even 4:30 yet! My back has been really sore, so I think I'll have Chris treat me later (my husband is an Acupuncturist) and fall asleep tonight, as I did last night, on my beloved heating pad. Is this supposed to be happening at 35? What will 40 bring? I got a phone call today too from a man who wants us to help place NINE baby bunnies that were just born yesterday. He apparently has 7 of his own House Rabbits and said he use to be a member of Hop-Line. Don't know exactly what's going on, but what the heck. I have another bunny coming in on Friday from a man who's being deployed, along with a check to cover the spay/neuter charges. I'm still waiting the $80.75 to come in from Bubba's previous owner, let's get going now girlie! I can't believe that so many rabbits are neglected and we (rescue groups) have to pick up the tab on it. Oh well, what are you gonna do?

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