Storm, Steven, Mikey Fitch, Marley Dies, Pumpkin, Funding
Well, it has been a busy couple of months to say the least. Stormy, Mikey Fitch and Steven all got neutered on Tuesday, all seem like they are unphased by the whole ordeal. Once Shaylah is spayed, I will try bonding her with Steven since they were caught together and I feel they should be together. Ivan is still the ever running mad-man, Parsley is still doing great living on the main floor, and Hermione is well too! We have just hit an all time low in the bank account with all the guys being treated including Pumpkin who seems to possibly have cerebral damage that will not ever go away do to his EC coming in. He is doing well living in Chelsea's apartment and having run time not to mention a baby play pen! Too Funny! Claire and Cadbury are in the bonding process and Holly has come back do to allergies. I hate to leave this blog on a sad note tonight, but Hendrix who was adopted and bonded to Rabbit Allies bunny Tonka has passed away. He was young and beautiful, a black mini-lop, and we all grieve for his loss.
A note from Linda, our President:
Hi All: This time I have some very sad news on Hendrix. I just received a letter from his adoptive mom and was expecting to find a happy update. Instead I learned Hendrix died. Here is the letter she wrote.
Dear Linda,
It has taken me this long to write you because I didn't want to make you sad. Unfortunately about three weeks ago our little Hendrix passed away. We have no idea what happened but after Hendrix passed Tonka started to display some symptoms of an upper respiratory (sneezing and grunting and bad mood) and we started him on the Baytril right away and he seems to be doing remarkably well on it.
We put the boys in their cages one night and Burke said Hendrix sounded gurgly. Your vet and ours said he was fine but apparently there was something underlying that no one could detect. When we woke up in the morning he was gone. I hope you don't mind but we are using the Baytril you gave us on our boy Tonka. I was so afraid we were going to lose him too, he is such a gem. But I haven't heard a gurgle or grunt out of him in 4 days. I am so sorry to have to tell you about Hendrix but I thought you should know, I feel awful. At least he finally got a home of his own and got to run and binky in our apartment and get treated like a king. It was just really hard to lose another bun after what happend to our little Nicky. Hendrix just seemed like he was sick from the beginning and there was nothing that could help him. I am so sorry to have to tell you this news I know you loved him too. If you need to talk about it please feel free to call or write.
With sadness,
Stacey, Burke, and Tonka
I am thinking that he had the same thing that so many of the bunnies had in the shelter but the vets (ours and hers) both missed it and he was not treated with the Zithromax. Apparently it went into pneumonia. How heartbreaking that such a sweet,young bunny is gone. I am writing her now to tell her to use Zithromax on Tonka to be safe.
A note from Linda, our President:
Hi All: This time I have some very sad news on Hendrix. I just received a letter from his adoptive mom and was expecting to find a happy update. Instead I learned Hendrix died. Here is the letter she wrote.
Dear Linda,
It has taken me this long to write you because I didn't want to make you sad. Unfortunately about three weeks ago our little Hendrix passed away. We have no idea what happened but after Hendrix passed Tonka started to display some symptoms of an upper respiratory (sneezing and grunting and bad mood) and we started him on the Baytril right away and he seems to be doing remarkably well on it.

We put the boys in their cages one night and Burke said Hendrix sounded gurgly. Your vet and ours said he was fine but apparently there was something underlying that no one could detect. When we woke up in the morning he was gone. I hope you don't mind but we are using the Baytril you gave us on our boy Tonka. I was so afraid we were going to lose him too, he is such a gem. But I haven't heard a gurgle or grunt out of him in 4 days. I am so sorry to have to tell you about Hendrix but I thought you should know, I feel awful. At least he finally got a home of his own and got to run and binky in our apartment and get treated like a king. It was just really hard to lose another bun after what happend to our little Nicky. Hendrix just seemed like he was sick from the beginning and there was nothing that could help him. I am so sorry to have to tell you this news I know you loved him too. If you need to talk about it please feel free to call or write.
With sadness,
Stacey, Burke, and Tonka
I am thinking that he had the same thing that so many of the bunnies had in the shelter but the vets (ours and hers) both missed it and he was not treated with the Zithromax. Apparently it went into pneumonia. How heartbreaking that such a sweet,young bunny is gone. I am writing her now to tell her to use Zithromax on Tonka to be safe.
1 comment:
That is amazing, I can't believe Ivan is almost fully recovered. Brandee you are queen of bunny therapy!
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