Gussie gets a home, Punky, Ivan, Speckles, Pumpkin
Gussie left to her new home yesterday and Pumpkin went to his new home with Jessica! Yeah for Gussie who will be a free range bunny on Long Island! Punky is in stasis, she is being treated accordingly. Ivan is now as bad as he was when he came in only he is tilted the other way. I have him on the runner in the hallway so he can have great traction and he still hangs out as an active member of our household. I love that bunny, and this is heart-breaking to watch. He is being treated still with the Chloremphenical and I am now adding Bicillin injections to his regimen. Bicillin has been studied and proven to help greatly with abscesses in rabbits.
Pikachu and Sasha left today for their new home with mommy Liana!
Our state animal control officer has been down and said that Pet Supplies Plus looks the best she's ever seen it, and we knew it would be. This was just the proof that word is out and they know we are watching now. We are filing formal complaints with the State Animal Control office in all incidences in all pet stores from now on. It is the only way that we are going to get any laws changed. We have to document everything and have proof to present.
Welcome our new bunny "Speckles"

Visit her on You-Tube and you can check out Little Miss Attitude! I have to wait 4 weeks to have her spayed, she was living over pine shavings. She really is a doll, just really, really hormonal. I had her living in the 3 1/2 foot Pen and she hopped it, so I moved things around, and when I got up yesterday morning, she had hopped it again and was staring at me through our cat door. Funny little girl. After that, the dog that is staying with me for the week broke down a part of our fenceing yesterday and was gone. I was on the phone with Animal Control and driving the streets only to find him sitting in the front of the house behind me watching a man hang up new gutters. Can you imagine having to tell someone that their dog got out of your yard and was gone? It was the worst 10 minutes I have had in a long time. I went out and repaired it last night. CRAZINESS!
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