Today started off like this... I woke to find one of the baby bunnies we currently have (mom is a visiting black lion head and had 6 babies last Sunday) cold and dying, and it sucks knowing there is nothing to do to help it, mom and mother nature know best... Linda called with the news that Blue passed away in her oxygen tent last night... Ok, sad, sucks... I went to meet a woman today at Bridgeport Animal Control to try and help trap and home domestic rabbits that got dumped there. Above are some pictures of "Friday" who was caught today (Good Friday) by Mindy Coman. Mindy actually shimmied into a pipe to catch this little girl, coming out herself with metal burns on her arms. Friday has a gash over her eye that has started to abscess, which can kill a rabbit by poisoning it's blood stream, and she's also got a scar on her ear, fur missing off her upper eye and ears, and a wound on her back. She has ear mites as well. I took her to the vet, had her weighed and than gave her revolution for fleas and mites, and started her on Pen G shots for the abscess. We will then have her spayed and adopt her out to an indoor free-range home. We also dug out a burrow in the search for older babies, but the only nest we found was one of 6-7 babies that looked like they probably drowned in all the rain we just had, there were no other signs of injury other than very bloated little bodies. 2 rabbits have already been found dead hit by cars on the street.
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