Due date mix up, 30 buns in need, the HS lends a hand...

Linda and I went and met with a woman today who had rescued about 10 rabbits. She called and asked for our help as she is getting overwhelmed (hey - with rabbits - it happens!). We went
down and sexed them, there is a new litter there that is just a few days old, 5-6 unaltered males, 5-6 females that all feel pregnant and swollen, and more than 20 babies between 5 and 12 weeks. We sexed everybun, gave ivomec shots to the adult males, separated the males from the females, except for the youngest which we will do in about a month, and offered to continue to help as we could. The woman has a wonderful set-up where all the buns are safe, we just have to get the population under control and then go from there. Some of the babies were so inbred from where they came from that there are ears
missing and one had 1/2 of its back foot missing, not from them being eaten, no signs of scabs or anything, just born that way. We took 4 buns in with us. 1 is scab-covered so was started on Ivomec and Baytril, 1 baby has no ears (looks like a Guinea Pig), 1 baby has head tilt, and 1 that has 1 ear and missing 1/2 a back foot was just laying lethargic in the cage. It died shortly after we got home. Linda will be taking the remaining 3 to the vet tomorrow. Any donations would be wonderful! We were there for about 2 hours catching and sexing all these little cuties. If anyone wants to foster for a month or so, please contact us through the website at http://www.hopalonghollow.org/. The Humane Society was very generous as to take in 7 of the baby girls for us that are about 8-10 weeks of age. There are still very many that will need homes, on top of our already huge population.

There is going to be a huge Hollow Tag-Sale on Freeman Ave. in Stratford on June 28th. We aren't giving the house number out as of yet, but there will be lots of signage to follow! Please come and show your support for the Hollow! Well, I'm sure there is more to write, but I am just so tired right now I don't know what I have and haven't written, and don't know what else to say. I'm flabbergasted and going to bed for a while... Oh! Anyone looking to help with donations towards food and medications, please, please, please contact the Hollow through our website or make a pay-pal donation with the e-mail addresss hopalonghollow@aol.com.
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