The little bunny that came in to us almost 2 weeks ago now with the leg broken in 2 places, WB, is doing well. He's eating, pooping, taking his meds, and he's wearing his little cast like a little trooper. He's going to stay with Linda while he recovers, she's closer to the vet that we are using with him, makes more sense, but I feel bad as it's one more bunny she has to medicate twice a day. Poor Angel had to go to the vet a couple of times this week, she has developed urine sludge and her kidney values shot down, and then it was joined by stasis. Linda the bunny miracle worker is working her magic, and Angel seems to be pulling out of everything. Hallie and Cinnamon, aka "Stasis Monster," are doing so well! It's so funny to see big ol' Hallie girl who's about 8-10 lbs with Cinnamon who is about 2lbs. So cute!

I went to Maryland to visit my parents this weekend, had a really nice time and got to see my Aunt Kathy & Uncle Duck (I couldn't say Doug when I was little). On the way home yesterday I swung by the Hollow and picked up little man Fudge to bond to Sophia. All is going very, very well! They slept in the same cage in my kitchen last night, I have not had a single sign of fighting or aggression. We have quite a few bunny
bondings coming up which is great for several reasons, the primary being how happy bunnies are in pairs, the secondary is I'm trying to move the bunnies in foster at my house down to the Hollow so they are all in one place, and I'm worried about taking care of them when I'm too big to bend over!

I have a few months to go, but have 10 rabbits in foster to start moving down, and just look how happy they are in pairs!
TinkerBELLE is coming back for a boyfriend, we are going to try her with Butterscotch, and Toby is supposed to be coming for a girlfriend, we were hoping to try Licorice with him. Espresso just got adopted out to the same home that Fudge resides in, and we believe she'll be coming back soon for a boyfriend as well. I'd love to try her with Clover or Shadow. We have a couple of
neutered males coming in from Mandy at Cottontail Rabbit Rescue that we are going to try to bond in with buns at the Hollow.
CASPER GOT ADOPTED!!! BAY is officially adopted as well and should be going to her new home in the next few days! Bay will be living with 2 neutered males.
OK, one more thing, and I think I may be done for the day. INK CARTRIDGES AND CELL PHONES!!! We need them! I'm sure a bunch of people got new cell phones for Christmas, so ask around if you remember! We have a lot coming up that we are in such need of funding for, such as another large hay/food order that has to go in this week. We are down to 4 bales of hay and out of food again!
If anyone has any pictures of their bunnies that they'd like to share on the blog, please e-mail them to me at Please put your city and state as well as the bunnies names.
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