Petco Grand Opening Date Set! Espresso, Biscuit, Buster, Angel, Dumbo

Hi! Welcome to Brandee's Blog. I am the Vice President of the Hop A Long Hollow, a Connecticut based Rabbit Rescue that also helps out with the re-homing of other animals. The purpose of this blog is to give you an idea of the day to day life running a rabbit shelter. You'll experience our pain, our happiness, our struggle, but most importantly you'll gain a better understanding of the world that house rabbits live in and how we can all help them.
Posted by
7:29 AM
Good morning to all! I got up this morning (which Linda does so often it's scary) to go collect newspapers from other peoples recycling bins before the trucks come. Even being a holiday, I did collect quite a few. It made me realize what Linda does every single week for all those little fur-balls at the Hollow. It was still dark out when I went since I had to be at work at 7a.m. It's funny, as each time I had to get up to go to the bathroom last night (pregnancy bladder!) I was falling asleep chanting to myself "newspapers, newspapers, newspapers..." Sad, huh? Needless to say, we can use some newspaper donations, it's COLD outside!
Posted by
7:30 AM
Posted by
8:11 AM
OK, another easy going day. One of my cats started to urinate on a couple of things that are now curb-side - I don't do cat urine - so not knowing who it was I made an apt. for the one cat I thought it was, Mitose. He was the only cat that checked out fine. I went back for a second apt. an hour later with my other two cats and Toby had a 105 degree temperature and Chloe has a bladder infection - so 2 cats on meds. Toby, for those of you who don't know, was a stray brought to me almost 2 years ago. He is not into people so when we walk into a room, he darts out, but he tackles our Shepard and plays with the other dogs that come to stay. I had to take his temperature again last night and couldn't find him downstairs (he's separated in the other side of our basement so I can check that he's using the litterbox) so eventually I found him in our wall - IN OUR WALL- up in the ceiling area. Let's just say it wasn't fun getting him out, and he probably feels I got my revenge when I took his temperature last night... It was down to 102.7 and this morning it is 102. We are going to try a couple of different foods though he seemed to be going for the Kitty Caviar Flakes (Earth Animal in Westport - cats LOVE IT!). It was an interesting cat day.
I'm bonding Indiana with Honeydew and got freaked a bit that Honeydew was going into Stasis, but I think what actually happened is she liked our dining room chair so much, she decided she would skip out on eating and hang out on the comfy chair... She's just fine, munching away on hay and greens. Rabbits. Cats. Birds. Oh MY! The dogs are all holding their own this week, all of our visiting dogs have gone home, and I think with the pregnancy and the rest of the crew here (current just here are 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 rats, 3 chinchilla's, 4 birds, 2 gerbils, 1 fish named fluffy Bob, and 18 rabbits (5 are mine and 1 is visiting) - wow!) I think I'm going to have to pass on any more dog sitting for a while. As much as the dogs enjoy it, it's just not the same with others hanging in the house, and being winter, they are in the house a lot.
I plan on being at the vet Wednesday or Friday morning with Rodelli, my little rattie girl. She has just developed a growth (hopeful just a fatty tumor that can be removed easily) under her left arm. It came on very quickly, so it will be taken care of just as quickly.
Well, off to do the morning rounds, mix Marquis up for Magoo and bug the birds a little bit, Jackie needs his e-collar changed. More later!
Posted by
8:37 AM