The day from H.E.double Hockey Sticks...HELP!
Today I got up, went to work, then went back home to pick up the two baby bunnies that were dumped in a box in Greenwich last week on the side of the road (flea ridden and a third bun was in the box dead) and dropped them at the Hollow since they are ready to be seen and good to go now. I had breakfast with Michelle L. and then shot down towards Norwalk in hopes of meeting my friend Deb at some point for a jog and a quick browse at Sports Authority. I stopped off at the Hollow and I picked up Michelle's (volunteer) bunny Snow to bond with Hannah (keep your fingers crossed, so far, going OK) and then went back up towards work in Fairfield cause meeting Deb wasn't in the cards today.
I then got a call from Lori, whose bunny Baba is still here in recovery from his cancer removal, and her other bunny Bugs seems to have injured his leg and has stopped eating. I went back to her house in Fairfield and ran Bugs down to South Wilton. They have yet to get a hold of us to let us know his condition. We are very, very upset not to have received a phone call tonight on his status. I then went back to work. I did get in my 1/2 hour run/walk that I needed, thankfully, it helps clear the head and I have really been enjoying the endorphin release, it almost counter acts all the sadness at the moment...

I have a bunny here that was brought to me on Friday named Blackberry and she has two huge bulging eyes, like cloudy marbles. Everything that Linda has researched on it sounds as if it's going to be terminal and she's not even a year old. Her owner has 3 children and after we have our vet visit with Dr. Pieper (hopefully tomorrow) I will have to explain to them what is happening to their bunny. Buster and Lilly Emerson were brought here tonight to be re bonded, seem to be doing awesome so far, thankfully. Buster had gone into stasis and the animal hospital won't keep two animals together, so him coming home smelling funny had broke the bond. ARGH!!! They are just as beautiful as ever.
OK, so I let my birds out everyday for playtime. I closed the bottom of the windows and raised the screens so they wouldn't eat through them. I forgot to pull one screens down and left the window open, and now our feral kitty Toby, totally sweet but afraid of people, is missing. I have a Havahart trap set outside with smelly kitty food in it, but I am beside myself this evening, feeling like the most horrible mommy ever. I don't want to go to bed, what if I do trap him and he's outside crying all night, or what if he doesn't come back this way at all? I am so worried!
In the mean-time... We have 5 baby bunnies at the shelter, all under 8 weeks of age that are up for adoption. Bugsy and Mike left for their new homes this past week. Hopefully all will go well with Hannah and she will go live with Snow. I have found a new spot in the top middle of Evie's back that when she is scratched, she arches her back for you and sticks out her tongue. Christine's (Wignug) is still working on Martin and Leenie with Wiggum and Nugget. I am supposed to take all 4 in the next day or so, but don't know what I can do till next week now, with the extra adoptions and bondings, and the ill bunnies - HELP! Her boss has graciously offered us several CPU's (computers) amongst other items, that I will be picking up this week and trying to re-format so that we can sell them to raise funds for the Hollow (probably about $250 each, I have to see what the ram and hard drive space is, etc... when I re-format them to establish the fair price).
We are again at an all time low in our bank account. We currently owe Barnum Animal Hospital over 1,250 dollars and need help with funding or we will have to cancel all of our upcoming spay/neuter appointments, approximately 20 of them. If you can contribute in anyway, you can always call and make a credit card donation to the Hop-A-Long Hollow via phone at 203-378-0687, send a donation to our Pay Pal account at or checks can be made to either Barnum Animal Hospital or the Hop-A-Long Hollow and mailed out to Linda at 1 Woodside Ave, Norwalk, CT 06855. ANY HELP IS MUCH APPRECIATED!
Good night to all, please say a prayer that Toby will come home and that Bugsy and Baba will be OK.
In the mean-time... We have 5 baby bunnies at the shelter, all under 8 weeks of age that are up for adoption. Bugsy and Mike left for their new homes this past week. Hopefully all will go well with Hannah and she will go live with Snow. I have found a new spot in the top middle of Evie's back that when she is scratched, she arches her back for you and sticks out her tongue. Christine's (Wignug) is still working on Martin and Leenie with Wiggum and Nugget. I am supposed to take all 4 in the next day or so, but don't know what I can do till next week now, with the extra adoptions and bondings, and the ill bunnies - HELP! Her boss has graciously offered us several CPU's (computers) amongst other items, that I will be picking up this week and trying to re-format so that we can sell them to raise funds for the Hollow (probably about $250 each, I have to see what the ram and hard drive space is, etc... when I re-format them to establish the fair price).
We are again at an all time low in our bank account. We currently owe Barnum Animal Hospital over 1,250 dollars and need help with funding or we will have to cancel all of our upcoming spay/neuter appointments, approximately 20 of them. If you can contribute in anyway, you can always call and make a credit card donation to the Hop-A-Long Hollow via phone at 203-378-0687, send a donation to our Pay Pal account at or checks can be made to either Barnum Animal Hospital or the Hop-A-Long Hollow and mailed out to Linda at 1 Woodside Ave, Norwalk, CT 06855. ANY HELP IS MUCH APPRECIATED!
Good night to all, please say a prayer that Toby will come home and that Bugsy and Baba will be OK.
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