Today I got up, ran/walked 3 10 minute miles with one of my greatest friends Deb, then went home and got ready to go the Wild Oats Pet Awareness Day in Norwalk. Christine (Wignug) and Michelle L. along with animal lover daughter Madison helped pack up Annabelle, Baba who is temporarily staying with us for surgery rehabilitation, Christine's buns Wiggum and Nugget, and our Leenie and famous amputee Martin to go, along with Baba's "Butt Cart" and pens. We put Wiggum, Nugget, Martin and Leenie in a pen where they spent the 3 hours together. Martin and Leenie went home with Christine today, and if all works out, they may both have a home with almost total free run and so many bunny toys and activities, such as 2 floors of a house and home built stairs with tunnels going through them, they'll never run out of things to do. James, Christine's man, built amazing little play stairs leading into a rabbit home and up to the cage where Chinchilla's Button and Larrie live so they have easy access to the rest of the home.

Mandy at Cottontail Rabbit Rescue of Northford helped us out last month by taking in 3 baby bunnies we had dropped off whose mother had died during birth. She had a lactating mom with 4 babies (cast on the moms leg, and she still did a great job nursing all those babies - part of an abuse case) and we lost one of our babies, but the other two survived. We told Mandy we would take all the boys since she gets a much better spay/neuter cost in her area than we do. She brought them down to be sexed today, and FIVE were boys! The little girl already has a home, so Mandy happily left us 3 boys and took the other two back to her rescue. I want to Thank You Mandy, you and the bunny mom did a great service for us. Unfortunately the mom had already been pregnant again by the time Mandy got her and there are so far 3 more surviving kits that will be looking for homes.
Annabelle, Casper and a West Haven AC drop off Benji, will all be going to a new home with Dr. Poster. Annabelle has been a love and joy and has loved her time running in the back yard with our Shepard, Major. She is somewhat messed in the head we, and our vets, believe due to the people who brought her and Dakota to us putting topical dog medication on them (should have killed them!) and will be more happy living at the farm with the other rabbits in there large indoor/outdoor play area. We will be able to visit, and Annabelle needs the room to run! She was 8.5 pounds at adult size coming in, and has managed to get up to 12.9 at the time of her spay! I believe she is bigger even now! Best of luck to them all! Casper has no great love of people, and Benji seems to be inbred to the point of no return. We will post updates on how they are doing. Thank you Dr. Poster for your kind help and offer to give these guys a wonderful life. I wish that I could pull off what is in the House Rabbit Handbook where all the bunnies live outdoors together in harmony, but I am not equipped to do so. Ahhh, a rescuers dream come true!
Little Miss Moody was to join the above, but is on meds for an upper respiratory at the moment.
We only pulled $37 at Wild Oats, but made contacts that I am certain will come in handy. Don't forget we are at the Westchester County Civic Center this coming weekend for the adoption fair. I am going to try to get down there at some point with the children I nanny for, staying with them next weekend - all older now (7 years at this job this coming month - by the Grace of God! Awesome Family!). I'd like Sean Casey of Sean Casey Animal Rescue in Brooklyn (http://www.scarnyc.org/) to see Major, our Shepard that we got from him, and see how well he is doing! He had severe muscle atrophy when we adopted him, was just getting over pneumonia and sarcoptic mange, had Giardia and a yeast infection in one of his ears. He is BEAUTIFUL and loving, a big dope of a dog, a mommas boy!
We also have the upcoming Bear Fair, our Grand Opening at Petco in Norwalk, and our 3rd Annual Christmas Party, dates to be announced!