Ali - a Blog contributor, went home yesterday to find her bunny Jelly-Bean, bonded to Flemish Dixie, had crossed the Rainbow Bridge. So sorry to hear Ali. Mr. Magoo's owners also called to let us know he had passed away. Snow White, Magoo's bond-mate, is visiting the Hollow this week, so we got to say Hi. She is the sister to my rabbit Cinderella and Ali's bunny Flash. They all turned 4 years old yesterday. Their parents, Steve and Shayla, are still, after 4 years, looking for a home.
Linda is very sick, and having Asthma on top of it has been really hard. I cleaned today and Tuesday at the Hollow, kids in tow! Due to the weather and illness there has been quite a few volunteer cancellations that couldn't be at a worse time for Linda health wise. She will keep on chugging though, she always pulls through. The Christmas Eve volunteer party was very nice, according to Linda! I never made it down this year, I had family up from Georgia. I don't know what else to report right now other than a few sick rabbits, such as Licorice who is bonded to Winter and a few others that have been adopted out. Plenty of Bunnies for adoption - visit us on the web at! Happy Holidays! Brandee