
and some more sad news....

A day after losing Fuzzbutt, Hop-Along Hollow has also lost our longtime resident Cinnamon. She was one of the first bunnies to come into the shelter when we first started out, and due to an illness which caused seizures, she was rendered basically unadoptable. She had been bonded to a large while male New Zealand named Rags.

We will miss both Fuzzy and Cinni very much!


Sad News

Sad to report that Mr. Fuzz (more commonly known as Fuzzbutt) passed away at South Wilton Vet Group last night.

Having come to us about a year and 1/2 ago, Fuzzbutt had suffered some kind of injury prior to arrival, rendering his back legs useless. He was not able to urinate on his own or do much moving around without the help of a cart. He had undergone bladder flushing yesterday and the vets were thrilled with the results as a large clump of sludge that had formed an obstruction in the urethra was found and they were able to remove it. The vet was very pleased with the procedure and everything seemed to go very well but it was too much for Fuzzy's body to handle.

We'll miss you, Fuzzbutt! Run free at the Bridge (without the help of a butt-cart!)


Adoptions! YAY!!!

We have had an INCREDIBLE last few days, here at Hop-Along Hollow!

All of these bunnies were adopted:
Chester the mini lop (who just came in a couple of days ago):

Briar & Pachino:

Button (no picture)

Crystal (no picture)


Dutch Pumpkin:

Hooray for adoptions!!

Lacie (one the 8 black bunnies who came in over the summer and then developed head-tilt), Spanky (Lacie's brother), Cinderella, and her parents Shayla & Steve, have all gone into foster care!