
Sad News..

From Linda:

With great sadness I wanted to let you all know that tonight we lost our little Addie. Addie was a tiny little bun with a very big heart who came from the Easton Barn rescue back in February 2009. She arrived covered with frostbite. It took many months but she healed - though she did lose one of her hind legs. Addie lived in Brandee's kitchen for the first 3 months and then moved in with Linda for an additional two months. She visited Dr Fahy weekly and had far more than her share of dressing changes, drugs and treatments. She tolerated it all and never once tried to bite anyone no matter how much pain we caused her. Brandee was sure she would never make it through that first horrible night and we expected her to die each day for the first full month. Each morning she was still with us was a miracle. Slowly she healed and one daysomething very special happened. Addie was adopted! Brandee and I both cried to see her go off on her own with one of our trusted volunteers, Melissa. It was like Addie had come full circle and found herself a wonderful new life. Little Addie spent two very happy months with her new family who adored her. For the first time in her life she knew comfort and happiness. She spent each evening cuddled up and being petted and loved. She was no longer cold or hungry or in pain. She had her dressing changed on the remaining hind leg each week and each time we all rejoiced that she was on her way and so close to final recovery. Yesterday Addie ate and acted completely normal. This morning Addie didn't seem right. She wouldn't eat. Anyone who knew Addie knew nothing gave her more joy than food. Something was very, very wrong. Addie was rushed to South Wilton where they attempted to save her but she passed away tonight. No one knows why but stasis was certainly a part of it. Addie was never strong enough for spay surgery and I suspect she may had had ovarian cancer. Purely a guess on my part. She leaves behind all of us who loved her. She was our TV star, a Hollow mascot, an inspiration and our friend. She was a part of our lives and she will be very much missed. Our condolences and our warmest wishes to Addie's family.


Exhaustion Hits the Hollow...

Things have been nuts. This morning Linda and I went to Norwalk and caught two bunnies by the highway, we have named them Basil and Nellie. Nellie (white one) screamed when I caught her, it was heart wrenching. They are here together, have a spay and neuter set for the 25th, and are terrified half to death, especially Nellie. They are settled in nicely, but after running loose for over a month, I'm sure it's been a very big day for them both.

My cat Mitose died two weeks ago, Timmy who was bonded to Munchie, died last week, and now we have Addie (little 1 1/2 pound that came in from Easton nut) at South Wilton, rushed down today not looking good. Things happen in 3's for us, and we hope Addie will pull through fine. She's already on borrowed time, I thought for sure she would die on Feb. 3rd when she was dropped off in horrible shape. Since she has made a full recovery after leg amputation and has found her palace home with her human servants. We are praying for her full recovery once again. Linda has had many pet sitting jobs come through, and we have had volunteers canceling, which seems to happen more in the summer - but really stinks because that is when Linda's asthma is at its worst. We are having a tag-sale at 306 Lordship Road in Stratford this weekend, and several others coming up through-out September and October. I just can't write enough about all the stuff we have had going on, I can't keep up, and I know Linda has had it 50 million times worse. We are looking for more donations all the time, and more reliable volunteers. Please contact us if you can help!