
Big December Update!

Wow, what a month! It's been so busy, in so, so many ways. Linda and I are both kind of down for the count right now. Linda has a terrible cold, and I've got a "bun" in the oven! This holiday season has just been treacherous on both of us, as I know it is for most people. I have to clean my bunnies first thing in the morning or I don't have the energy to do it at night, and Linda has had many cancellations due to the Holidays, though we have had many people throw in a wonderful helping hand to pick up a lot of that slack! We both appreciate it immensely!

Our Christmas Party this year was wonderful. We had over 75 people attend, and I believe with the fundraising letter that went out on top of the party, we raised over $2,000 much needed dollars. It went fast since a check for $1,900 went straight out to one of our vets! We had over 80 spays/neuters this year! WOW! With an average of $150 an alter, we have really been cruising along, and there is no way that we could do this without the help of our very, very many volunteers and contributors. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We have many bunnies we are currently trying to help families to place. Sadly we do not have the capabilities of taking on personal pets. There are so many other in desperate need that those are the ones we must help out first. We are, however, trying hard to educate anyone who calls us with rabbit problems in ways to tend to their problems and understand their little furry friends more!

We had several adoptions this month including Cleopatra! We are just thrilled that she has found a home after her long stay here and her long illness. We have someone coming in this week that seems to be interested in Bay, which would be wonderful! We adopted out Diamond, Dumbo, Martin & Evie, Venus, (I know I'm missing more buns!) 2 guinea pigs, 2 gerbils, and several hamsters this month as well. We still have a Dumbo Rat looking for a forever home as well as a few more gerbils and piggies. We did a fundraiser at Petco on the 15th and moved Captain and Morgan into our Hex at Petco. We are now officially in the Petco, Norwalk location! We are excited to see where this will go.
From Linda:
First, Leo the beautiful, gentle White Lop passed away today. He had been adopted out almost a week ago. His panic stricken owners called me at 5:30 AM this morning. They had just found him laying still in his cage. I had him by 6AM but he was far along and there didn't appear to be much hope. Leo passed away at South Wilton Vet hospital around 11AM. I am heartsick as Leo deserved better. Bunnies are such delicate creatures. Seeing this happen to Leo has made me realize that I have to emphasize all the more how urgent it is to watch for stasis. All new adopters will now be getting a letter detailing the symptoms and how quickly a bunny dies if it is not caught in time as well as verbal instructions. I have learned that verbal instructions are just not enough, in the excitement of getting a new bunny it can get missed.
The good news......Martin (our 3 legged-amputee) and Evie just left for their new home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much happiness to them. It's been a very long wait for Evie. Linda

Ok, I don't know what I'm missing, but I'm sure it's something, but now that it's almost 8pm, I've stayed up late enough to sleep through most of the night, I have been going to bed by 7pm! Wishing you all a very Happy Holiday Season from all of us at the Hollow! Thank you all for your continued support!
Brandee :o)


Hop-A-Long Holidays! Bunny Pictures!

Ok, no more cranky Brandee, too much going on. At the Hollow Party this coming Sunday, Nicole C. is going to bring her wallaby! We are so excited! For anyone coming, don't forget the party is from 1-4. We had a blast last year, and the Thibaults' decorations are amazingly beautiful! We had aprox. 70 guests last year, and December was a wonderful adoption month for us. We can really use that this year, as well as all the prayers and wishes.
This little girl is Violet who is being very disapproving about having her picture taken. She came in with Sasha.

Mr. Magoo came down last Friday from VT where he was being fostered. He was one of 14 rabbits that was to be culled, I believe due to a breeder"closing down." He has a libacious cyst on his back that will be removed when he is neutered and we had full blood work done due to an enlarged liver and drinking of a lot of water. We want to make sure his organs are completely functional prior to having surgery. His liver could improve after he is on a good diet for a while, we have no idea what kind of diet the breeder had him on.

We got a call on Mary Jane from a couple of different people. She was let to run loose in Harvest Commons in Westport. Her owner mentioned that she was too big. Well, my coffee cup next to her is regular sized, and she's maybe 3lbs. She is a 6 month old, very sweet little girl with beautiful bright blue eyes. She will be altered next Wednesday and is ready for adoption.
Cleopatra had her spay yesterday, finally! She really made a great recovery after over 7 months on Baytril and Bicillin not working. The 14 days on Zithromax just worked miracles for both Cleo and Butterscotch, who got neutered 2 weeks ago.

Well, so much has been going on lately, so many bunnies coming and going, we also have with us now Nikki, and a new pair named Bonnie and Clyde who were altered prior to coming in but the family never put the 5 year olds together. They are now a bonded pair. Pepsi has been adopted and is now bonded to Bunny (aka Elvis) and they will be going home tomorrow or Saturday. Wesley was brought in by West Haven Animal Control (what my neighbors must think seeing all these animal control cars pull up to our house!) a few weeks ago. He was neutered then taken to the Hollow last Wednesday morning and adopted that night. Well, more later!