This morning when I got finished talking with Linda about Ivan and other bunnies, I went down to give Ivan his morning meds, and he didn't get up to greet me, he'll never get up again. Ivan has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Ivan came in via an animal auction to another rescue group that brought him to me. He came in in February and was diagnosed with an inner ear abscess on his brain stem. It got better for a week or two, than he slowly started tilting the other way. He had been treated with medication including Chloremphenical BID, Otic ear drops, and even tried Bicillin for a while. Most recently he went in for a second opinion and got the same diagnosis, that was last week. I will miss him, as will all who came across his sweetness.
Ivan was an amazing bunny, and like all the wonderful rabbits we have that come in and never find homes before passing, he is a Hollow bunny, and we are happy to have had him here rather than where he could have been. Ivan will be cremated and put into my lettuce garden along with Rosie and Atilla. Today, and I believe Ivan had a hand in it, our Trumbull Animal Control bunny that came in with head-tilt and still has it slightly, Milo, got adopted out to a wonderful home in New Jersey. We are so happy for him, and hope they come back for a friend for him.
Indiana was adopted today, and his new family will pick a new friend for him as well. We got to meet Peter Rabbit today, belonging to Emily, who brought him in to do a bonding - Peter has no front teeth due to complications, and he is now in my living room in front of me and a good episode of Stargate bonding with Silky. Punky and Simon Peter are being bonded in the computer room. It is a house of craziness right now, but I happy, and all is good.
I got to meet the family of Rodelli the rat I will be taking in today. They brought Rodelli up to meet me and will drop her off for good here next Thursday. They are moving to England and the quarantine is 6 months, which is a huge chunk of a rats life. Rodelli will stay here with us and be Chris' new computer companion. She is a very sweet rattie girl!
How many animals can you count in this picture? Rodelli is meeting some of her new family, Major, our Shepard, really seemed to like grooming Rodelli, she was soaked upon leaving!

I trapped a rabbit named Radish a couple of weeks ago. She has eyes of an old soul, they are like no other bunny eyes I have ever seen before. They are filled with feeling. I had gotten a phone call from a woman who had a rabbit eating her garden, mainly the radishes, and asked us to take it away. There was poison on the plants (the white powder that is not dangerous to humans once we wash the vegetables).
Bonding Bunnies:
Punky & Simon Peter

Peter and Silky:
Newly bonded Munchkin & Timmy:

Well, lots of good things are happening here. We have partnered with Petco in Norwalk, and more than likely Milford as well, to keep adoptable bunnies in the stores and keep sales of rabbits out. The Petco foundation has been very helpful in our endeavors. We hope that the bonding of the Hollow with Petco will help us to both open a facility in the future and continue working with Petco. We will more than likely have our kickoff in September when it becomes a little cooler in the store.
Oh, Fudge and Truffles went to their new home this past week as well, the last two animals that owner was diagnosed with cancer. All animals from her have found homes now, thanks be to God!
Ali hosted both Jess and myself last weekend to a tag-sale to benefit the Hollow and we raised $314.o8! It was great! We have had over 65 spays and nueters done since January 1st of this year! We are constantly growing and educating the rabbit community. It has been a great year for us, and we have many other wonderful rescue groups and foster homes working with us.
Thank you everyone for your support to us, we can not do it without you! Also, thank you to all the volunteers that come and clean cages, it's a huge thing to us. Jim - I warned you how many bunnies there are, and you still took it on, thank you so very kindly for the day off!
Brandee :o)