Hop-A-Long Holiday! Bun News and Pictures!

Hi! Welcome to Brandee's Blog. I am the Vice President of the Hop A Long Hollow, a Connecticut based Rabbit Rescue that also helps out with the re-homing of other animals. The purpose of this blog is to give you an idea of the day to day life running a rabbit shelter. You'll experience our pain, our happiness, our struggle, but most importantly you'll gain a better understanding of the world that house rabbits live in and how we can all help them.
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9:52 PM
Posted by
9:51 PM
Ok, not even sure what his name is, you'll have to fill us in Ali! A Rex that recently came in from the New Haven area was adopted today! So quick I didn't even get to know him! Rags is going to be started on some super powered glucocimine (sp?) shots next week - we have never tried them before - to see if we can't get somewhere with him. Brandee
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3:10 PM
Ok, Mandy got adopted today! YAY! She is a little black and white lion-head that came in from Mandy at Cottontail Rabbit Rescue. See Linda, there is a reason you are home sick! Just kidding! Just had to mention - I think I posted when I gave birth to my son in October that the nurse in the room during delivery is the sister - in -law to a woman that helps to run 3 bunnies rabbit rescue... small world! So Katie, my 2 year old, just started preschool on Wed. Her teacher Miss. Jen called me to let me know how my friends daughter was doing (long story) and said "I just remember where I know you from! You are Brandee with Hop-A-Long Hollow, right?" She also works for Linda Howard who owns Linda's Doggie Salon here in Stratford. We have done several rescues with Linda. Soooo Funny! Just glad I feel I'm starting to get back into the swing of things a bit! We have feet, not inches, of snow, and it's a beautiful week. Be careful to all! Brandee :o)
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10:24 PM
Well, Linda was sent home from the airport by her husband and crawled into bed for 3 days. She's still not 100% but will hopefully still be joining him in Florida by weeks end. Feel better oh great bunny lady! I'm currently bonding Kia and Marly back together, she had her eye removed and is doing great! Rags, one of my most favorite buns to ever come into the Hollow, is going down hill so fast. He has horrible Arthritis that just hit so hard that it looks like he has a splayed back leg now. We are certain he won't be with us much longer. We also have Oliver and Rosie too that are just off, so they are under careful watch.
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3:36 PM
Believe it or not, Linda is going away! Ok, working vacation, but she's actually getting on a plane! I'm wondering if she will ever come back! Went to clean today - we are going to try to have Marley and Kia put back together. They have been separated in cages next to each other due to Kia's eye removal. I did 3 bondings last week, Dixie and Woodstock, 2 black female rabbits adopted at separate times from the Westport Humane Society, and Winter (who just lost bond-mate Licorice) with Lucky. Just exciting as all seems well so far and 3 bunnies got homes last week! Skylar, our severe head-tilt bunny, is more than likely being adopted - maybe even today - by a family that called actually looking to take in a special needs bunny! YAY! Hopefully that goes well! Brandee
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2:21 PM
Well, I have started back with bondings and cleaning 2 days at the Hollow. Right now I have Ali's infamous Dixie - the Flemish beauty (my favorite breed) as her bond mate Jellybean passed a couple of weeks ago. Not going so well, so going to swap for a new bunny today. A woman from Wspt. adopted from the Humane Society last year, and they fell in love with another bunny yesterday, both girls, and they will be getting dropped for a bond attempt later today. Don't have the best of luck with same sex bonds, but the younger is 4 months and spayed, so perhaps her hormones haven't kicked in yet. All is crazy here, lack of sleep, etc... Down at the Hollow, even crazier! Thank goodness for the come back of a couple of volunteers (thanks Greer!) and the adoptions and bondings we have going on. One thing strange is the amount of eye removals we are having - yes - eye removals! A woman brought her sick bunny in last month that's eye actually burst (ewwww!) and was removed. Feather had an eye issue upon coming in and had hers removed. Kya's just got removed last week because of an abscess in the eye ball (so wild looking) and now it looks as though Athena's may be coming out as well. When it rains, it pours. South Wilton is getting lots of rabbit experience from us! Linda got a call from South Wilton the other day that Licorice had passed away. Her bond mate Winter will be coming in soon for a new bond mate. Well, I'm actually packing up the kids to go down and clean, let my daughter Katie play with Linda's grandson Logan (who is going to be a big brother in July!!) so maybe some more news later! Don't forget to check our website at www.hopalonghollow.org for updates on adoptable bunnies and other small animals! Brandee :o)
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7:49 AM